Chapter 10

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Ryan's POV
next morning

When I woke up everybody was still sleeping soundly in their beds. For first night back on road with guys went  very peaceful which was suprising since we usually stay up till four in the morning but last night all of us including Chad hit the hay early which was quite suprising since on first night on road we usualy chill till early morning .

 Our next stop would be Winnipeg which I was excited about since it was a really beautiful city and not only  it was very mulitcultural it was also famous for having many sports teams and hosted festivals related to music  as well . Also Winnipeg was the first Canadian host of the  Pan American Games.

I streched  to get up but then I felt someone  hugging my left arm and sleeping next to me-I looked at left and saw Penelope sleeping soundly. 

 She looked like beautiful angel as she was laying. Her brown locks covered her face  and her face looked very peaceful as if telling ''I am finaly in the company of the good guy and my past is now left in dust as a distant memory''. 

Ever since last week we met for first time we had been inseparable-we been texting and calling  each other non-stop and had gotten to know each other better  and as we got to know each other more I realized we had a lot in common  such as we both came from big families, we both loved ice skating  also we both were creative people 

She hugged my arm tightly  as she slept on stomach and I gently stroked her cheek with my index finger -her cheek was so soft and warm. Then Penelope  opened her eyes slowly stretched and looked at me with her blue eyes.

Those blue eyes -they made my heart skip a beat.

''Good morning''Penelope said softly flashing  her million dollar smile making my heart race faster .

'Morning beautiful slept good ''I murmured touching her arm gently. She bit her lip letting out a small moan and moved my hand to her bare shoulder making her moan a bit louder.

''Yes''she gasped moaning''How about you'' she looked at me as she asked bitting her lip.

''Excelent next to you also don't bite your lip babe''I growled low and howered her making her gasp.

''Because I want to do it..''I murmured before  leaned down and kissed her . We both moaned in sync as our lips clashed . I felt million sparks wake up from beauty slumber  we kissed  and my heart began to race  and so did hers-the kiss felt so right.

I licked her bottom begging for enterance and she opened her mouth-our kiss became more deep and passionate. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer pulling her up a bit and she sat up . I pulled away and began to kiss her neck making her moan softly .

''Oh my god Ry'' Penelope moaned as I sucked her neck leaving a lovebite that will be visible in a hour-Penelope returned the favor making me moan then she pulled away and gave me back.

''We should stop this is not right''Penelope said .

''Why so?''I  pulled her close and then she faced me looked at me and said almost crying and red from embarssment 

 ''First  don't get me wrong   I loved the kiss and I really like you you are a great gu- I mean man who is so awesome in  every way you are ridicolously good looking , so smart  and so sweet and gentle and loving but  we are going on date later on today we should save the kiss part there  because  it's right also please don't hate me of what I am about to sa- ''

Photographer(Nickelback BOOK 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt