Going Home

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After a long and fun night,  Inuyasha helped Kagome to pack her stuff before she told everyone she was leaving...

After they had finished packing Kagome headed off to say good by to her friends. First being Kiadea, 'Thank you so much for all you've done', Kagome said to Kiadea to only get a reply of, 'be well child'. Next she headed of to Sango and Miroku, and as expected Sango cried while hugging Kagome while Miroku was hugging his little children who held tears I their eyes, almost breaking Kagome's will to leave. Last was Shippo who ended up begging Kagome to stay. All she could do was shake her head, before her and Inuyasha held hands as they headed towards the well. 'I guess this is goodbye then', Inuyasha said trying to hide his sadness but Kagome could see right passed it. She walked up to Inuyasha and kissed him,  which he happily returned. 'Only for now',  Kagome stated as she realeased Inuyasha and with one final wave she jumped down the well.

Inuyasha could no longer contain the tears he had locked away...

Kagome opened her eyes to find a rope in the well. As she climbed up she recognized the surroundings I  which she once grew up in. Running out of the shack and into her old home, she saw Sota on the couch, making out with a girl with medium length brown hair. As Sota realiesed the girl and opened his eyes Kagome saw them fill with tears just as hers had. 'KAGOME',  Sota yelled as he ran up and hugged his sister causing the girl's-who he was previously making out with- face to fill with confusion and jealousy. 'I missed you big sis', Sota said as he held onto Kagome tighter.  This made the unknown girls face to change from jealousy to utter shock and confusion. But before anyone else could say anything they heard to people yell


Before she was tackled by her mum and grampa as well.  All of them were crying their eyes out by this point.

Hey hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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