In biology, while Mike strode over to Bella's desk silently and Eden's stomach turned in anticipation. Eden was only a few desks away from Edward, who rested his head under his arms on his desk. 

Edward, Eden called mentally. Are you alright?

I'm playing friendly. Mike is about to ask Bella out, as you would have heard, and I want to hear her reaction. Edward responded, and Eden watched his body shift a little as he stifled laughter.

Why... Why do you want to hear her reaction? 

At this, Edward looked up. His hair was slightly ruffled, and he turned to meet Eden's eye. Don't worry, Eden. I'm all your's.

Eden blushed, glancing down. Beside Edward, she could hear Mike talking to Bella.

"Did you already ask someone?" His eyes flickered towards Edward, and Eden fought to keep the frown off her face.

"No," Bella laughed stiffly. "Eden and I aren't going to the dance, at all."

This caught Mike off guard. "Why not? I figured she'd go with Cullen and you'd come, well, with me?"

Bella glanced back at me, the panic wild on her face. "Um- We're going to Seattle that Saturday,"' she explained, knowing that they both could use some time out of town.

"Can't you go some other weekend?"

"Sorry, no," Bella said. "So you shouldn't keep Jess waiting any longer - it's rude."

Mike mumbled, "Yeah, you're right," and walked back to his seat. Eden felt a stab of remorse for the boy, he had genuinely liked Bella, but his thoughts told her that he would like Jessica just as much. 

Eden blankly registered Mr. Banner begin to talk, and she glanced out the window, trying to stop her brain from running. Unfortunately, a wave of nausea flushed over her and all at once, the voices became louder. Insignificant, mindless thoughts, but a volume that nearly made Eden throw up. Eden closed her eyes, stifling a cough.

"Ms. Bane?" the teacher asked, wanting an answer to a question that she hadn't heard.

Eden glanced briefly in his direction, only letting herself concentrate on his mind's voice for a moment to get the answer. "The Krebs Cycle."

She looked back down, feeling Edward's eyes over her and the mind's of the class curious at her sudden shift of mood. Cowardly as ever, Eden shifted her hair over her face, blinking and trying to breathe in and out. 

Towards the end of the teacher's explanation, Eden raised her hand. "C-can I- I go- to the b-bathroom?"

Mr. Banner nodded shortly, and Eden gathered her things quickly. She stumbled out of the room, hearing the bell ring loudly and an even stronger rush of voices attack her. She blankly shuffled to the bathroom, where at the first chance she got, she knelt down beside the toilet and threw up. Due to her empty stomach, it was stomach acid and made Eden's throat feel dry and scratchy. Light footsteps followed a few moments later, but Eden closed her eyes and leaned up against the stall door.

"Eden? Are you alright?"

It was Alice, her musical voice sounding clean to her ears. Eden spoke up with a rasp. "I-I'm fine."

Alice didn't believe her in the slightest and quietly asked if she could come in. Eden unlocked the stall door, and Alice gave her a sad laugh when she saw.

"You look terrible, Eden," she whispered, extending a hand.

"Thanks, Al."

Alice couldn't bring herself to smile. Instead, the vampire looked down, speaking more to herself than to Eden. "Why didn't I see this? What went wrong?"

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