A Sad Reunion

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"HELLO! Welcome to Marot's Market! Don't be afraid to shop til you drop!" Marot cheered as Link entered the store. Zelda was talking to the vendor, Cleff.

"Thank you so much! Have a nice day!" Cleff said.

"You too!" Zelda replied. She turned around and noticed Link. She smiled as she walked over to him.

"What took you so long, slowpoke?" Zelda teased. In her hands were a few bundles of Hylian rice.

"What's the rice for?" Link asked her.

"Oh you'll see soon enough!"

They walked together while they conversed about their plans for rebuilding Hyrule.

"So the Gerudo are willing to help with construction on Hyrule Castle. Riju said that it was the least they could do to repay us for defeating Calamity Ganon. I talked to King Dorephan and he was obliged to help. The Gorons surely will too, but the Rito might take some convincing."

Zelda paused and took a slow breath, " I know it sounds a bit selfish to the others that we need to restore Hyrule Castle first, but we need a basis of operations."

"I doubt they think that. From my interactions with them all, they wouldn't turn away from us." Link replied.

Zelda smiled an uncertain smile, "I'll trust your word."

They walked in a small window of silence.

Zelda spoke up, "So... I wanted to tell you, Link, that... although the worst has come to pass, there's still a lot we have to do, and we can't afford to be distracted from our duty."

They walked in silence. They passed the pink plants that looked like algae, the tall trees, and the little blue birds that scattered by the sound of a footstep. Eventually they made it to the East Reservoir Gate. They climbed the long flight of stairs, Zelda walking before Link.

As they reached the top, Zelda sauntered to the dock. She looked out into the lake, then she looked down and gazed into her reflection. She hated having to do this to Link. She wanted him to be happy, but she had certain responsibilities as queen.

"Come over here, Link. I want to show you something." Link moved until he stood next to the Queen, and looked into the water the way she was. Zelda pulled out the Hylian rice she bought earlier and sprinkled it onto the water's surface. In a matter of seconds, fish of all varieties swam to the surface. Their mouths opened above water and swallowed the individual grains of rice whole.

"This is amazing!" Link grinned. Zelda was still scanning the water.

"There he is." She pointed to a rather large, red fish who came up to eat the rice. All the other fish scattered once he got near.

"That's Tuna. He was my pet fish when I was 5." The fish was gigantic compared to the other fish. As it came closer, Link could see a group of small red fish swimming behind him.

"He got too big for his bowl, so I let him free into this lake 10 years ago."

She threw some more rice into the water and the small red fish happily enjoyed the grains.

"I didn't want to let him go, but father told me that he would be better off in the wild."

There was a pause. The only sounds were the swaying waves, gulping fish, and Zelda's hand reaching in and throwing rice from her satchel.

She turned to Link, "I wish I could let you chase after him. I really would if I could, but I need you by my side."

Tears began to well in her eyes, "I wish I never sent you here in the first place. I let you get your hopes up for something that was never meant to be..."


"You can't be with Sidon, Link." Zelda choked out. The words sounded like they had scratched and clawed up and out of her throat. A single tear streamed down her cheek, then more followed; they looked like raindrops running down a window.

"I'm so sorry, Link."

"Don't be."

"I ought to be! You love him and he loves you! And I have to take that away from you!" Zelda fell to her knees, bawling in frustration.

Link knelt down and hugged the Queen. "I understand, Zelda. I have sworn to be by your side, and that is what I will do."

Zelda gazed up and into Link's eyes, those blue eyes that looked like where the sky and ocean met.

"Please forgive me, Link." Zelda's left hand clutched the collar of Link's garment. He placed his right hand on top of hers and gently squeezed.

"Oh, Zelda. You did nothing wrong."

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