Chapter 4: back to the preasent and meet my 'family'

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It was the end of the day now and May had just dropped me off. I was walking inside the pack house which was more like a mansion really.

You see in our pack The Blood Hurricane Pack, I know really bad name right?, we all live together or well in the same area or almost like a suburb seeing as we where so big.

It's a lot of peoples names to try and remember. The amount if land the pack owns is insane if you think about it. Because if the setup if the houses we can fit in quite a lot.

Each family had there own house but the Alpha and Beta who is the second in command live in a massive mansion which holds the office, where the Alfa and beta work, the Meeting room and a large game room with TV's, video games and much more.

It's where we hold pack meetings, were guests stay, party's and celebrations are hosted and has the office where the alpha makes the very important decisions like what packs we follow, new rules are made, problems are solved and land is given.

Now you may be wondering why I'm heading towards the place where all the kids who make my life hell hang out. Well the answers simple, I'm the daughter of Beta Felleps. You'd like to think that this meant I had some power of all the jerks well sadly NO.

I'm called the shame of the Beta's because I'm the runt, the week link and even my parents call me names. Not In the joking way they actually mean it. And how do I know this you may ask? Simple they hit me when I laughed thinking that they where joking.

It's hard to believe that someone of the Beta family would be treated like I am and you'd want to think that the alpha family would help. No they don't even know about it. Luke does and so does everyone else but no one went to the actual alpha in fear of Lucas causing trouble.

Back to the pack houses. It's actually a pretty cool set up each house is built in a semi-circle with rows in the center of which is THE pack house. The rows are set up so that in between two houses there is a house in the gap in the next row. So similar to how you set up a pyramid just the same numbers every two rows.

On the other end of the semi-circle, where theres no houses, is a big grass paddock with a huge bonfire pit and logs surrounding it. On the edge of the paddock is the beginning of the forest that is in our land.

I'd say that about three quarters of the forest is 'ours' and the other part belongs to The Shadow Clan Pack. They are a combined Pack of wolves and tigers. It sounds odd but we have been combining packs to help protect one another for a while now and inter species mixing is not that unheard of

By now I was walking past the lounge room when I herd moaning and when I turned to look at the source it was none other than my brother Cain. He was making out with his new fix of slut for the day. Yep let me introduce you to my brother, the man whore. I hope he changes for his mate.

When he herd me he turned and said "hey look the creeps home. Go get us some food were hungry" then he turned to the blond on his lap who nodded then continued there disgusting task.

I must have been half asleep by now or at least a little out of it because I did something I'd never done before I spoke back "why? So you can continue exchanging saliva with this twit"

My brother turned to me a shocked expression on his face that quickly turned to anger. I'd never ever said something like that id always done what I was told no questions asked. I had been afraid to get hurt again.

I remember that all I had wanted was to be left alone and didn't care what I had to do to get some peace for once. I honestly don't know what came over me then.

I didn't want to be good for once and if I thought that was bad I had to make it worse by saying "you both have able hands so go get your own food and stop groping each other. Oh Cain don't be mad I mean I probably am saving you from getting STD's or whatever this girls carrying."

Shane was fuming and was now of the couch he had been on. He walked up to me with a scowl on his face and get this I swear I saw steam coming from his ears!

"go get us something to eat you worthless pile of crap because I told to do so. Do you have a brain in that head of yours I mean you'd be more useful if you where a toilet so get of your ass and do as your told before I make your face even more disgusting than it already is"

Yea what a nice brother I have... Or had I guess. Well that was when he hit me in 'warning' note the sarcasm. He's does anything he can to get away with hitting me not that he needs a reason. My parents don't care, in fact they root him on.

Later that night he told mum and dad what id done and they agreed with Cain. They hit me and punched me and broke most of my bones. Not enough to kill but enough that I'd not be using my hands the next day.

This was when I realized that I didn't have a REAL family. The kind that loves and cares, people who you feel safe with. These people where demons and just pretended that they could pass as a real family. My life had just gotten worse than it already was.

People who think that your better of being something that you take a dump in are not family. A place where you feel the need to hide and cower is not a home.

All because I stood up for myself I figured out that the people I lived with and where surrounded by on a daily bases where all lyres. I wanted more. Something in me wanted to see who else was pretending who else lied who wasn't real.

This one act made that first piece fall and shatter on the ground. It was like I had never truly looked at my life and how I lived. The piece that fell that day hurt but it was the final piece that hurt the most.

I keep asking myself how? How did my world end up like this? I wish I knew but I know somewhere deep in my hart that it's better this way because as I write I live on and I'm finally starting to be happy but to get here I needed my old self to die.

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