Chapter 1 | Finding Out

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"Morgan, for the last time just because Harley doesn't let you shoot the potato gun doesn't mean that he doesn't care for you. It holds sentimental value to him. You don't like us touching the projector that Tony left you when we all thought he was on his death bed, do you?"




"Thanks Mr. Strange."

"Harley, I have told you a thousand times, you can call me Stephen."

A brunette quickly stuffed his face with Cheerios while this whole conversation was happened.

"Peter, slow down! You are going to choke yourself," Stephen said to his eldest child.

Peter swallowed, "Sorry father! It is just I need to get to school."

Stephen raised an eyebrow, and looked like he was about to say something when someone else beat him to it.

"Peter Stark? Excited by school? Never!"

"Can it Harley!" Peter hissed at the older boy.

Harley only erupted in laughter, his potato gun leaned against his leg. Morgan slowly slinked towards it, her fingers seemed to want to get a bit grabby with it, only for Harley to lightly kick her away.

"Go away Iron Code."

Morgan pouted, but dashed off down the hallway no doubt to her dad's lab.

"Any particular reason you want to get to school early today?"

"Our first school trip is going to be announced," Peter buzzed excitedly. "Plus, this is the first day that one of the Young Avengers get to join us on one!"

Harley mumbled to himself, "I'm still not happy about that."

"But you are happy for her?"

"Yeah," Harley sighed.

Stephen studied Harley for a good second before a smirk graced his features, "Harley, I had no idea you harbored such feelings for Miss Barton."


"Oh, please do not be another Steve and Bucky. I beg of you," Stephen remarked.

Harley, whose face was tomato red at this point, stalked off down the hall, "I don't have to take this!"

Stephen had a twinkle of amusement within his eyes. He leaned towards Peter, "You know. I could always send them to another dimensions with the tones they take with me." He went back to his original position, "Get going Peter, I have a feeling Mr. Hogan may be afraid we finally locked you away."

Peter smiled and sprang to his feet. He kissed his father on the cheek before he dashed off.


"Hey Lila," Peter greeted the archer.

She whipped her head around at him with the same stone-faced expression she has had for years at this point. Her orginally long dark brown hair had been cut off and left nothing but extremely near to the skin short hair. Her equally dark brown eyes narrowed at him before returning to the hostile squint she had developed, "Hey Peter."

"Ready for school?"

She scoffed as she opened the limousine door, "Just because I agreed to join your stupid team doesn't mean we are friends." She got into the car and slammed the door behind her.

"Yeah. Nice talk," Peter said. He reached for the handle, "You sure know how to pick them Harley."


It was a silent drive to their high school. Peter's mood was a little diminished by Lila's attitude, but not enough to completely kill it. When they arrived, Peter sprung out of the limo like an animal that finally was set free.

"Don't be weird about it, Parker," Lila remarked as she got out as well. She started to walk off towards the entrance of the school, a heavy fall to her footsteps.

There was a small thing that Peter's classmates, minus Lila, MJ, and Ned, knew about. That was the fact that Peter had actually been adopted by Tony Stark and Stephen Stark-Strange. Everyone still knew the Peter that lived with his aunt, for 'safety reasons' as Pepper had gently put it. His Stark-Intership was all a coverup for the fact that Peter was fed, bathed (despite what Harley may tell you), and clothed in Stark Tower.

Yes, you may think a limousine was risky, but Lila had a much more cleverly crafted backstory as from a rich family who wanted their daughter to learn more about typical social skills in a place with other people her age. That was the reason he was able to pull up in a limo. When asked, more like forced, to tell Flash about why he was able to join Lila, he was about to say that his family was really close friends with her family when Lila butted in and said that their families forced them to be friends and she took him to school out of curtesy.

Both were technically not wrong, more on Pietro's part then Clint's, but still.

Let us just say that Flash had developed a one-sided crush on Lila since then.

"Hey Penis Parker!" Flash called out to him while the grades were outside of the school. "Wait until you see what the school field trip is! It will make you sweat!"

Peter rolled his eyes, but walked over to Ned and MJ.

"Hey Peter," Ned greeted with a smile.

MJ gave him a little nod of acknowledgement.

"I'm going to beat him if he says Penis Parker again," MJ remarked.

"Better not say that around Natasha or she'll may make you the next Black Widow."

MJ smirked, "That would be amazing. Careful Parker, I may take up gymnastics over Fall Break."

"On top of martial arts?" Ned teased lightly.

"Parker said the same thing at the end of last school year, and you think I didn't actually contemplate that?"

Ned's voice lowered, "Maybe you'll join the Young Avengers."

MJ let out a chuckle, "That would be amazing."

"Hey, do you guys know what Flash meant back there?"

Both of the more joyful expressions on his friend's faces turned to grimaces.

"Peter... the field trip is going to be at Stark Tower."

The world slowed down for Peter.

Peter stood up and internally screamed.


Hey guys, thanks for reading the first chapter of this.

Just to clarify a few things, Lila Barton is the illegitimate child of Clint Barton in this and her other dad is Pietro (Quicksilver). Clint and Laura are siblings with makes Nathaniel and Cooper Lila's cousins. Lila's personality in Endgame was her original personality, why it changed will hopefully be explains.

Morgan Stark was born from Pepper volunteering to surrogate for Stephen and Tony. While Harley has a family, he practically lives with the Stark family.

Please note, just because your favorite ship is not in this does not mean I don't ship it. Marvel is literally the only fandom in my memory that I found that I enjoy most ships (minus the pedophilloic or incest ones, because obvious reasons).

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