The story

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Have you ever lost something close to you? A family member? A pet? Anything? Well I have, it was the worse day of my life. The day started just like any other day. I got up and got ready for school. School went by just like normally. When I got home, I went upstairs and played Skyrim, then Dan, my step dad, called me down for supper. After supper, I went back upstairs and watched Minecraft on youtube. After a bit of minecraft, my life changed for the worse.

Around 8:20 or 8:30, my parents called me down, they told me to hurry. I thought they wanted to show me something outside, or suprise me with something, I was so wrong. As I got downstairs, I saw my parents around my bird, Bella’s, Can you describe the cage cage. As I neared, I saw Bella in my step dad’s hands, struggling to breath. The tone in my parents voice made me know something was so very wrong.

When I got close, Dan let me sit down, then he gave me Bella. When I saw her, I knew she was dying. When I felt her feathers, I knew it would be the last time I ever felt them. When Dan said he wanted to see her, I didn’t want to let her go, but I gave her to Dan anyways. Dan was looking at her, asking “What’s wrong little one.” Dan tried to give her back to me when she started having seizures. I couldn’t take her back, I was so scared. I didn’t want to lose her, I didn’t want her to die.After a few minutes she stopped moving. Dan looked at me and said the two words I never wanted to hear “She’s gone.” Hearing those two words made my world crumble. I screamed out crying  and ran upstairs,hoping to find some comfort in my stuffed animals, hugging them like they too would leave me. My mum tried to comfort me but I wanted to be left alone. Dan came up and asked if I wanted to bury her.

When Dan asked me if i wanted to bury her, of course i wanted to. I found a box that was used to hold a metal cross. There was also a picture of said cross on the box, ironic right? When I showed Dan the box he took it downstairs. When I went downstairs, Dan suggested that we bury her in her nest. After I got my shoes on, I went out to the shed and got a shovel, then I went out to the garden where we buried my first bird, Little Chirp. As i dug her grave, I could taste the saltiness of my tears, and smell the earthy smell that comes after the rain. After I dug her grave I noticed that water was in the grave, I tried to get it out but I gave up. Dan and my family came out, Bella in hand. Dan put her in her grave and we gave her a small thank you. We stood there for a few minutes and I told Dan he could bury her. We went inside and I went to bed, crying myself to sleep.

The meaning of this memory was to show one of the harder points of my life so far. I’m still missing her and I doubt the feeling that something is missing will ever go away. My goal was to show how hard it is to lose a pet, and that no one knows what happens in others lives and not to judge people when they cry

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