Let's Make a Trade (contest entry)

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     "We'll be playing with this deck of cards." Alyson takes a deck of bright red cards out of her pocket and holds it up for everyone to see.

     "Each card has its own task and its own set of rules," Alyson says, "You have to pick a card and complete the task written on the card or else you forfeit. Whoever forfeits will be the person that trades their life for Marie's. Any questions?"

     Everyone is silent. Marty glances around the room looking for a possible way to escape, but all of the windows are boarded up and the door they came in through has mysteriously acquired a padlock. All obvious escape routes are blocked. Marty returns his gaze to Alyson.

     "What if someone physically can't complete the task on their card?" Asks one of the other three teenagers.

     Alyson turns her head toward the speaker and answers, "Every task is possible for anyone. It's just a matter of your... how should I put this... mental fortitude. "Alyson holds out the deck of cards, "Why don't you go first."

     The teenager steps forward and pulls a card out from the center of the deck. She flips it over and reads, "Go take a bath. Blindfolded."

     "That's a fun one," says Alyson, "here put this on it'll be your blindfold." She hands a thick black cloth to the other girl. The girl ties the blindfold over her eyes. Alyson then grabs her hand and leads her towards an old staircase.

     Alyson looks back toward the group, " No one is allowed to leave this room!" she tells them, then disappears from view down a hallway at the top of the staircase, still holding onto the other girl.

     Marty looks over to Jillian and Veronica, "We're getting out of here right now!" He shouts, "Come on!"

     Marty stomps toward a window and attemps to pull off the boards. Jillian runs over to Marty and pulls him away from the window.

     "Calm down Marty, Alyson just lost her sister so she's probably a little unstable right now, but I don't think she's dangerous. You heard what the first card said. Taking a bath isn't a horrible task and all of the other things won't be bad either. Alyson will get tired and then we can leave," reasoned Jillian.

     "I hope you're right!" Whines Veronica as she walks over to Jillian and Marty. She pinches her nose, "it smells like dead people in here so the sooner we leave the better!"

     Jillian looks over to Veronica and tells her, "It's just that old house smell. You can handle it."

     One of the other two teenagers waves over the group of three.

     "What?" Marty asks as he walks over to them with the two girls following.

     "I just thought we'd introduce ourselves. I'm Mike." He gestures to his companion, "and this is Katie." Katie gives a small wave.

     "Our other friend, Amber, is upstairs with Alyson," Katie says.

     "Nice to meet you!" Chirps Jillian.

     Two sets of footsteps can be heard nearing the top of the staircase. "It sounds like they're coming back," Veronica says.

     "That wasn't so bad, am I right?" Alyson asks the blindfolded Amber.

     "The water was a bit thick, but it didn't kill me. Can I take the blindfold off now?"

     "Once we reach the bottom of the stairs. Just take the steps slowly and you'll be fine."


     Amber and Alyson reach the top of the staircase. Katie screams. Veronica starts crying. Jillian hides her face in her hands. Mike and Marty just look away.

     The two girls reach the bottom of the staircase and Amber pulls of her blindfold, looks at the group of teenagers, then looks down at her body. She screams.

     From the shoulders down Amber is covered in a dark red liquid that stains her clothes.

     "Is this blood?" Whispers Amber.

     "Of course it is! What fun is there in having a normal bath!" Replies Alyson, "Now, who's our next player?"

     Alyson's eyes shift to the group. "How about you?" Alyson asks as she points to Veronica.

     "No thanks, I'll pass," Veronica replies.

     "Come on now, no neee to be shy!" Alyson fans out the cards and holds them in front of Veronica, "Pick a card!" She demands.

     With a shaking hand Veronica reaches toward the deck of cards and pulls one out from the middle. She flips it over and reads, "Stand in a closet. For sixty seconds."

     Alyson grabs Veronica by the wrist. "Perfect I know just the closet!" She says.

     Having had enough, Marty steps forward and blocks Alyson's path. "You're crazy! Can we leave now? We won't bother you again," Marty says, "this is starting to get creepy."

     "Of course you can leave!" Alyson pulls a hand gun out of her back pocket and aims it at Marty's head. "That is if you are willing to trade your life for Marie's. Or should we continue with the game?"

     Marty lowers his head and takes a slilent step back.

     "I thought so. Now off to the closet!" Alyson exclaims.

     Alyson stalks over to a broom closet under the staircase, opens the door, and pushes Veronica in. Alyson locks the door.

     "Jeez, you didn't need to be so rough!" Complains Veronica.

     "I needed to be fast so nothing gets out."

     "So what doesn't get out?" Veronica asks. Then she screams, "There's something else in here! Please let me out!"

     "You still have fifty seconds left, just wait it out."

     "Please!" Cries Veronica.

     The next fifty seconds are filled with Veronica's screams and cries for help. The rest of the teens are terrified, and Marty feels guilty.

      When Veronica is let out of the closet she has large red welts that cover her body.

     Alyson walks over to Marty and fans out the cards.

     "Pick one."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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