[ RAM ]

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Quirk Name: Ram

Type: Mutant

Description: The user possesses large ram horns in place of eyes and has hoofed feet.

Abilities: The user is an offensive bludgeon who uses their horns to ram into others.

-It is suggested this quirk is improved via their hero suit, which should contain springs in the shoes or on their legs/feet so that the user can jump and rocket into someone head first for maximum damage.

- The user has very strong, hard bones

- Great at knocking others out with a blunt, heavy force

- Great at creating distance


- The user is blind and cannot see.

- If the horns break, it takes a very long time for them to grow back without the help of a healing quirk.

- Hoofed legs cause mobility problems.

Special Attack(s):

N/A (feel free to come up with your own!)

Hero name Ideas: "Bludgeon", "Bighorn", "Impact"

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