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This book will be updated spontaneously, like my other books (Including the ones I completely gave up on) with each idea that pops into my dark little mind of mine. But since I have oh so caring frens  (*COUGH COUGH* Kenna *COUGH COUGH*) Who have given me multiple Ideas for Fiction, Nonfiction, etc. Imagines at like 1-3 AM. We have them to thank for this wonderful book! The Imagines I have in mind are 

Patrick Stump - Bank Robbery Shenanigans (you'll understand the "shenanigans" part when I post it) -COMPLETED-

Pete Wentz and Mikey way - Math class (It's not going to be Petekey)  -COMPLETED-

Andy Hurley - Football game 

Tyler Joseph - Taco Bell 


(I shall add more once I've gotten more Ideas from my dark brain or my frens (KENNA (or as I call her, Jishwa.) SKSKSK) 

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