Chapter #2

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     It was go time. Time to get some answers to their friend's whereabouts. Sparky and Neon walked into the city, both disguised in their own way. Sparky had put on a red hooded cloak over him that cast a shadow over his face so no one could really see anything past shadow. Neon didn't have to wear any kind of disguise like Sparky, but just to fit in with the ominous theme, he put on his helmet, which he never enjoyed wearing and only wore on rare occasions. Good thing this was one of those rare occasions.

     "Alright, where do we go?" Sparky asked Neon right before they stepped into the busy street.

     "Candy said something about finding a map at a bar before she left." Neon answered. His voice was muffled a bit by the helmet and sounded a little robotic as well.

     Soon the two arrived at the potion bar, where both milk and potions were sold. They walked in without any suspicious eyes, for it was common for players to wear outfits of all kinds, especially ones that made them look cool and mysterious. Sparky and Neon both sat at the bar, waiting for someone to come up and take their order.

     "Hyello! What can I do for you all today?" A girl with a dull shade of brown hair, who wore some kind of pinkish red outfit, spoke up with excitement. Squinting, Sparky saw that this person was a player. Taking a quick scan of the room, he saw that a majority of those here were players. The rest were either trying to fake it, or were trying to ignore everyone. As Sparky looked around, Neon was the one who answered.

     "Um, we came wondering if you or anyone else remember a player by the name of 'Candy The Puppy.' She had told us that she was just going on a little adventure, but we haven't seen her in nearly two weeks now." The armored, robotic voiced, warrior laid the question out on the table to be answered.

     "Um, I don't exactly remember anybody by that name.. maybe you can ask Red. He knows a lot of stuff. RED!!"

     "WHAT!?" A guy with fire-red hair, wearing a red and black flannel shouted out from the rooms behind the desk.

     "Do you remember anyone by the name of Candy The Puppy?" The girl asked.

     The guy only sighed, mildly annoyed. "No, Clair, I am not an elephant! I don't remember everything that goes on in this building of mayhem!.. Why not ask Jack. He just finished his shift."

     "No, but these two are asking about someone who was in here almost two weeks ago." Clair groaned.

     "Pfff! Like any of the goldfish in here would remember that far back!" The man continued saying strange words with a lot of sarcasm, the conversation not really going anywhere. Clair only continued looking at the guy, waiting for him to do something. Finally, he groaned and turned on his heels to slide back into the kitchen/storage room. Out with the red head, not even five seconds, flung three other guys. One had normal brown hair and an orange plad shirt, while the other two had blue hair, but very different overall looks. One looked pretty normal, while the other looked as if he had been pulled out of an old bedtime story. "These were the guys on shift last week, I think."

     "Hey! I'm always on shift!" The orange shirt guy huffed, obviously ticked from just being thrown through the door. The other two also looked like they wanted to smack Red.

     "Then do you mind if we ask if you have seen a humanoid dog, by the name of Candy The Puppy?" Neon asked the guy with brown hair, this whole new bunch actually only a couple years older than they were in reality.

     "Puppy?.." The guy stroked his beardless chin. "Can't say I recognize the name... however, I do remember seeing a humanoid dog... Was she by any chance white with brown on her face and a blue shirt on?.. A creeper face on the shirt, I think?"

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