King laid on his side and watched them with a smile on his face as they talked to the toys and each other as if he wasn't there.

"I definitely don't want y'all to grow up," he chuckled laying down.

Reign and Kaari both crawled his way and leaned against him as they continued playing with their toys.

King watched them for a while until his eyes grew heavy and before he knew it he was out like a light.

As King slept the twins remained close to him as they stared up at the tv forgetting about their toys.

Hearing knocking at the back door, Reign looked over at Kaari then stood up and walked out the living room and peeped around the corner.

Staring at the unknown man, Reign squinted her eyes and the guy smiled pointing towards the door.

"No no," Reign waved her finger and hurried back into the living room.

Kaari was drinking her juice about to fall asleep next to King until Reign walked in and started hitting, well more like smacking King's face.

"Got damn... wh..." catching himself, King opened his eyes and stared at Reign strangely.

"Up!" She chirped pointing towards the back.

"What? Mommy called me?" He asked sitting up.

Reign shook her head and picked up her soldier and kept hitting it as she said "No no"

King was confused and still tired as he got up to see what she was trying to say.

Running his hand down his face he headed towards the back with Reign following right behind him as she held onto his pants leg.

"That's Layton mama," He chuckled picking Reign up as he went to open the back door.

Reign stared at him funny then hid her face in King's neck.

"Mi scared her, sorry lickkle one," he apologized tickling Reign and she laughed hitting his hand away.

"What you need wodie?" King asked seeing the other guys come inside.

"Kwan," Layton began then held up his phone.

Taking the phone from him, King sat on the stool and looked at the guys as they walked through the house without saying anything.

"Wassup? And why they here?" He asked when Kwan answered the FaceTime call.

"They're gonna help yuh and Renae move into di new place... I don't want y'all there anymore,"

King furrowed his brows. "You kicking us out nigga?" He laughed.

"No... It'z not safe," Kwan informed.

"I'm not letting no lame run me out my shit," King frowned as some of the guys walked in with boxes.

"I know dat, but yuh haffi kids and a wife now brudda, niggas been keeping an eye on yuh since di explosion,"

"I thought they took care of dat shit," King said looking at Layton with a raised brow.

"Cyaa kill di whole country of Jamaica Kingston, I'm not dere so niggas are acting out. Ya and I are coming bak tomorrow night but I need yuh out by today,"

Renae Dreams 2Where stories live. Discover now