Chapter 1- Uncle?

Start from the beginning

I nodded in slight understanding. If my kids died, I wouldn't want to have more kids right away either. Still. Did they really have to turn ME into a kid?

"We're also giving you immortality. Sorry, but you can't argue on that." Hera smiled weakly again. "From this moment forward, you are the god of Loyalty, Fun, Warfare, and Children." Just great. This means I'll never be able to join the others...

"Due to you being half human, you must live with the mortals for your first 3 centuries before you can join us in Olympus. I assume you want to be with your mother and stepfather." Poseidon said, a knowing look in his eyes. I nodded.

"As for our real gifts, we're all going to bless you and give you magic items. May they help you in your journey in the mortal world." Zeus announced, placing a hand on my head like you would a child. Well. I guess I am one now.

After Zeus all of them went one by one, placing their hand on my head. I assumed it was their way of blessing me, so I remained silent. Afterward, they began handing me small objects, explaining their amazing features. The minor gods gave me Ambrosia and an endless amount of Nectar that I could summon whenever I want from the flick of a wrist.

Normally, I'd be excited to be receiving these amazing gifts, but the sadness was still very much fresh, especially considering WHY they were even here to begin with.

When they all finished, I began to bow in thanks to them, but Zeus stopped me. Surprisingly.

"There's no need, Percy." He raised a hand to stop me. "You are a god now. Even if you weren't, you have saved the world multiple times and suffered much for our sakes. Our thanks have been long overdue."

"We must take our leave now, Percy. Be safe, my son." Poseidon announced, earning a few nods of agreement from the other gods. I shut my eyes, knowing they were about to leave. I might not actually need to do this anymore, but it was just a habit at this point. In a bright flash of light, they were gone. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

Looking around, I glanced at my friends and cousins. Tears threatened to leak from my eyes before I wiped them away on my now extremely long sleeves.

I can't cry. Annabeth and the others told me that if they ever died, they would have wanted me to move on. As much as I want to just curl up and cry, that won't bring them back and it won't make me feel any better.

I quickly bottled up my feelings deep inside me. It's not healthy, but it's better than breaking down right after talking to the gods.

I decided to do the one thing that made any sense. I'll go home to mom. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves before Vapor Traveling to my mom's front door. Oh gods. I've got a lot of explaining to do when I get in there.

"Mom, I'm home." I called out as I opened the door.


Is she at work? No way. She's supposed to have the day off today. Something's wrong.

The broken vases and books all over the floor only confirmed my suspicion.

"Mom?" I called out once more, taking out Riptide from my pocket. Walking into my mom's room, I gasped at the sight before me.

My mom was on the ground with a bullet wound on her stomach, tears streaming down her face. Paul was lying beside her, a bullet in his forehead.

"P-Percy?" My mom croaked out, her voice hoarse from crying. I snapped out of my trance, capping Riptide and ran to her side that Paul wasn't at.

"Mom, What happened?!" I asked, quickly grabbing the closest blanket and applying pressure to her wound. She winced.

"A robbery. Paul tried...tried standing up to him." Tears flowed down her cheeks as she glanced at the lifeless body beside her. "Percy, go get the phone, so I can call the police. I know you can't do it."

Percy Jackson and Uncle Bruce Banner [Percy Jackson-Avengers crossover]Where stories live. Discover now