Chapter 17

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Connor's POV

Life was surreal nowadays. 

It's been a whirlwind this past couple days, what with me regaining my memory and the impending attack on our pack. Honestly, I doubt I would make it through without Emery and Jacob with me. Of course, my parents have been amazing throughout all of this- God, I missed them so much- but with everything happening, I couldn't be their main focus. I knew that and understood. Emery, Jacob, and even Aria have been life savers. 

I stayed with Emery and Aria mostly throughout the day, partially as a babysitter, partially because I needed a distraction and they were really great. I felt comfortable with them and through getting to know Emery these last few weeks, Aria understood how not to scare me.

 Left alone, though, my thoughts would wander and I'd think about being back there, I'd feel the ghosts of the pain I felt lingering all over my body. I know that those experiences are a part of me, that they shaped what I am and that they aren't my fault. I just wished the pain would go away, so I shoved it aside for now. 

Jacob, on the other hand, was more amazing than I ever could have imagined. Despite his insecurities and anxiety toward our mating, despite the fact that we are both kind of terrified and are trying our best to figure out how we were supposed to do this thing, it was working. He trained throughout most of the day with my dad and the other pack warriors, preparing for the fight, but when he's done it's like he's incapable of leaving me alone. And I'm not complaining. After years of only being touched for the sake of others and rotting in a cage, having Jacob next to me, who is careful and loving is like heaven. Whenever we are together, he's always touching me in some way, whether it be a hand on the back or an arm wrapped around my shoulders. He's always there and it does more than just comfort me. Like usual with mates, simple physical touch between us always leaves sparks and tingles running through my veins and most of the time, that's what keeps me grounded in reality. 

We have taken up a permanent residence in my room in the Alpha House. Jacob has practically moved in, aside from furniture and posters in his old room and he sleeps beside me every night, which I honestly believe I wouldn't survive without. Whenever I wake up from a nightmare, he's always there with a gentle touch and kind, quiet words. 

He's gotten into the habit of sitting up and pulling me in between his legs whenever I wake him up with my thrashing. I always wake up in that spot with him lightly tracing the skin on my arms, allowing the sparks from our bond to course through my veins without constricting me. Sometimes he cries while I cry into his chest, the pain of watching me becoming too much, but he never fails to wrap his arms around me lightly and gently stroke my back. I've never felt so lucky than when he holds me like that, cradled to his chest, with his cheek resting on top of my head and his heartbeat in my ear, I've never felt more safe. 

I'm shaken from my thoughts when a figure passes in front of me, blocking the TV that I had been staring blankly at. I give a little jump at the dark figure lumbering over me, causing the sleeping kids leaning on both of my shoulders to shift before continually snoring away. 

"Hey, sorry to scare you. I was trying my best to get your attention without startling you." Jacob's voice carried gently as he squatted down in front of me. He was close enough now that the light from the TV in the otherwise dark room was enough to make out his features. 

I smiled softly, watching as his gaze turned from concerned to content. "It's alright," I whispered. "I'm okay, I just was thinking."

I look down at the munchkins curled into my side sleeping soundly, Emery on my left and Aria on my right. After dinner this evening, Mac and Cheese which Papa had prepared this morning before heading off with Dad and Jacob for training and strategy meetings, they both begged me to watch Tangled with them. Both had insisted that it was the greatest movie of this century and the fact that I hadn't seen it yet was unacceptable (Emery screaming, "Unacceptable!" to emphasize Aria's point was what really convinced me). 

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