01 || A Family?

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     A bright, warm light shone from somewhere and blanketed onto the face of the sleeping boy. A grumble sounded as he shifted beneath the sheets. Rolling over to shade his face from the glow, he snuggled into whatever comfy thing he was in. [E/c] eyes revealing themselves in a lazy manner, they flickered open. Blinking away the fuzzy vision. Rather clueless of his whereabouts, he sat up rubbing an eye only to freeze. The sudden realization hitting him that he was in a room--not the bamboo forest.

      A sudden wave of startled energy swept through him as he shot out of the sheets. Scanning his surroundings. Noting the sounds of the clanging metal from another room, he took cautious steps while stalking to the door. Peering down the hallway, he eyed the burning incense a moment. The subtle sweet scent to wafting about in the air. The small cabinet of which it sat upon also held a scroll of sorts which hung just above. Turning his gaze away to the end of the hallway, he slunk out of hiding. Approaching the clanging of metal as it loudened. Reaching the corner, he scanned the open area. His gaze fell to the woman from before. Her focus on the food she was currently cooking, unaware of the young boy's presence. What was noticed, however, were the soft meows of the large cat. Looking over, she finally took notice of the younger who only stared at the feline. Unsure of how to act as it approached him. The woman shared a gentle quirk of her lips, her voice matching the gesture.

      "Ah, good morning, dear! I hope you're hungry, because I'm making you something to eat." Switching his gaze from the affectionate cat to the woman, he gave a hesitant nod. His nose, betraying his reluctance, worked overtime and relished in the wonderful scent of the food. Turning back to her cooking, she continued to speak and pointed to the table in the middle of the room.

     "Go ahead and take a seat at the table, dear. It won't be too long until it's finished!" He hesitated a moment, gazing about the room. Though, he followed the instructions as he took a place on one of the plush purple-red colored cushions. The fuzzy cat following and crawling into his lap. Unsure of how to react, he offered the animal a simple pat. Purring nonetheless from the gesture as she bumped her head to his chin in a friendly manner. The woman, looking over from her cooking, felt another smile as she brought over the finished plate.

     "Alright, one order of *Omurice ready!" The curious eyes of the boy were cast to her as his nose wiggled to the food presented to him. In pause, he sent a gaze towards her. As if a silent requesting to eat. A small laugh sounded from her. "Go ahead, honey. This is yours."

      Her cat, in rather good mannerisms, migrated to her lap. Allowing the younger to eat unhindered. Looking at the small plate once more, he leaned over. Going to eat straight off the plate until the woman kindly stopped him, something he was quick shrink away from.

     "It's alright, dear. Here, try this." He moved away slightly when a spoon was placed in front of him. But he picked up the shiny object, holding it in an awkward grip. At first, he had tried to stab and poke at the food and received a short, humored giggle before the woman lent her aid. Giving a brief demonstration of the proper use of the utensil before allowing him to try on his own.

     He tried the new knowledge, bits of the egg and rice dropping onto the table and the once clean shirt. But it wasn't long before he managed to get better hold on the strange object. The woman's lips tugged up into another genuine smile as she pet the heavy cat in her lap. One who purred at the affection. But even as the young boy busied himself with eating and practicing with the new shiny scooper, he couldn't help but think. Thoughts slightly troubled. Though, while lost in thought, it wasn't long until an empty plate sat on the table. Even making sure to lick the spoon clean before placing it onto the dish with a light clang. His ears flinching in discomfort to the sound.

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