Promises- Brock Boeser (VC)

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length: 497 words

warnings: swearing

requested: yes

notes: ignore the fact that falling asleep with a fire is dangerous please :)


You pressed a soft kiss to Brock's cheek before attempting to stand up but the arm around your waist pulled you back into his lap and you sighed.

"Brock I'm cold now. Can we please go in?"

"But I'm having fun cuddling you," he pouted and you giggled slightly.

"We can cuddle inside."

"But I like it out here," he whined again.

"It's too chilly. I mean Petey is from Sweden and even he went inside," you retaliated, trying to squirm your way out of his grasp.

"Petey is inside because he wants us to have couple time. I'll start a fire if it makes you happier," Brock ghosted his lips across the back of your neck.

"And you have to give me your sweater."

"Sure, sure, babe," he removed his arm from your waist, allowing you to stand up and then he got up too, pulling off his jumper and exposing a sliver of sun-kissed skin above his shorts. You took the sweater from him and engulfed yourself in its soft warmth while Brock set up the fire pit.

Once the small fire was blazing Brock decided to lie in the hammock instead of going back to his chair and you followed his lead.

"Hey, baby," he smiled and pulled your body on top of his, careful not to tip over the hammock. "Are you warmer now?" he twirled a strand of your hair.

"Yeah. Thank you," you yawned, snuggling your head into his neck.

"Are you tired?" he asked, this time pressing a kiss to the top of you head.

"No," you yawned again and he chuckled quietly.

"I love you," Brock whispered.

Looking up, you planted a kiss on his jaw. "I love you too."

Suddenly Brock was digging a hand into his pocket and rifling around, clearly looking for something before he pulled out a small ring, causing you to gasp.

"I was planning on doing this tomorrow but I can't wait. I love you so much and I know I want to marry you. I know that I want to raise children with you. You're the definition of perfect. You're the kindest and most supporting person I know but you also let me know when I've done something wrong and I'm so grateful for that. You're also smart and funny and talented and fuck, you're so beautiful. So I'm promising to marry you if you want me to, I'm promising to be with you for as long as you'll have me," he said gently, emotion pouring out of his words and you teared up.

"God I love you so much, Brock. I really really want to marry you too," you cried and Brock lightly brushed away your tears with one hand while slipping the ring onto your finger. "I want to be with you forever."

"Forever," he echoed back, grinning widely and the two of you fell asleep there in the hammock without a care in the world.

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