title 10/10

plot 22/25

characters 13/15

cover 7/10

grammatical structure 18/20

overall enjoyment 10/10

total 90/100

* The 200 Murders of 1977 by EmberShy
Description: 7/10

The author made a very short description and I really think he/she could've described a lot more in their description. I think they could have made a bone-chilling description to frighten the reader before even opening up the book, this would also add to the fact that the book is a horror book and is intended to scare you out of your socks.

Title: 10/10

The title of the book is very appropriate and fully describes what the book is about.

Plot: 25/25

The plot is very captivating and the idea is shown throughout the book perfectly. The author explains things very nicely as well as the events and how one situation affects multiple other ones. The way each plot twist links with the others is very interesting and enjoyable to read. Like when Millie killed Tom in one chapter and then in a later chapter Tom's fellow Gorifiers went and killed Seth as revenge for Tom's death, but Seth's death was also linked with one of The Gorifiers who were broken-hearted.

Character: 14/15

I'm taking that single point away because sometimes the swop in character POVs isn't clearly shown and can be a tad confusing to some readers. The POV is constantly changing between different characters and therefore needs to be clearly stipulated to avoid any confusion.

Cover: 9/10

It's a beautiful cover but I don't necessarily think that it shows the 'horror' of the book. Whether you like it or not, people always judge a book by its cover, it's what captivates a readers attention to read the description after all. So if your book is a horror book it needs to have that horror factor, if you know what I mean.

Grammatical structure: 18/20

There were very few grammatical errors, only a few every now and then. But I think the biggest thing was the sentences were very lengthy. There were many instances where the author should've made one of his/her sentences into two instead. It would make the flow of the paragraph a lot better and could put more emotion or emphasis on what's being written on the paragraph.

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed reading this book and couldn't put it down. It was very captivating and interesting, leaving me on the edge of my seat to find out who was behind all of the deaths. It was brilliantly written and the author described the bloodthirst and gore of the book beautifully. Just as a little side note: I think the author could add a lot more emotions to the characters and broaden the story a lot by describing in length how the characters feel with their loved ones get murdered and also describe the evil and vile emotions the murderers feel as well when committing a murder.

Total: 93/100

Judged by pixxies02

* Obsidian by Siennafrost
Total: 88,5

* From Down Under by Alana2215

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