Renee and Michael get dressed and head out to get some air driving around DC.

Driving around in Mikes car, Renee was enjoying the warm sunny day and Michael looks at her over his shades listening to the song that was on the radio.

"I really needed this ride out I couldn't stand another minute in the room it just keeps me thinking about everything that has happened..

"I know you did babe that's why we are out so how about we going shopping for baby Jordan sounds good?"

"Yes it sounds good.. but what about the press wouldn't that be odd that you are out with me after everything happened?"

"I'll put it to you this way my sweet Nae, if it happens, I would tell them you are my woman"

Renee blushed when he called her "his woman"

"What about the pregnancy I will be starting to show soon!"
"We will announce it when the time is right"
"Whats next a shotgun wedding?"
Michael laughed and told her,
"I would do it in a heartbeat marrying you but your divorce is not final with Malcolm yet." 

"I know not looking forward to that when we go to court"

As they park at the mall, Michael and Renee were walking around when she saw Faye and Corey all boo'd up walking hand in hand. Renee called her name

Faye looked around where she heard Renee and was grinning ear to ear. She walked to Renee and hugged her.

"Hay girl I know you have been having a rough couple of days I heard what happened with you and Malcolm..I know you needed some space
"I haven't told you that yet Faye.."

Renee turned around and looked at Michael
"Sorry baby she called me last night wanting to know everything or she was going to really bury me in the ocean with all my ancestors that jumped the ship.."

Renee shook her head and laughed
"Okay Killmonger it's fine.. she has a right to know she is my best friend"
"Did you hear that Jordan"
"Yes Faye I did.."

"So what are you doing out you should be resting my God-baby needs it!"
"This isn't my first child Faye I know the ins and outs of pregnancy thank you!"
"Speaking of God-baby where is my baby Kylie Nevaeh?"
"She is with Darren for the week you know baby daddy drama not giving me a dime for her like always and have to make him watch her..see what you have to look forward to Jordan! child support !"

"We won't have that problem for me and Nae ain't that right baby?"
"Yes big Mike!"

"Eww..Nae I can't believe he is your baby daddy..I don't know why Ugh!"
"Whateva Faye"

"I'm just playing Jordan..I'm glad Nae has someone to support her through this time right now and I love ya for that"

"Aww I'm about to cry this is touching!"
Renee was shedding tears.
"Sorry damn hormones"

"Me and Mike are going shopping for the baby you wanna come along?"
"Of course yes!"
Corey baby, maybe we can go baby shopping too if you know what I mean?"

Corey looked at her confused and said,"a baby? I have a teenage daughter at home, but you know if the times comes one day, we can have a baby if we are still together.. hopefully we'll have a son"

Faye looked at him and pecked his lips
"I would love that future baby daddy!"

Renee and Faye go to a baby store in the mall while Michael  and Corey head to the sneaker store.

As they walked around in the store, Renee picked crib sheets that were neutral colors and several neutral outfits.
"Why all the neutral Nae?"
"I don't know why Mike believes it's a boy I think I'm carrying a girl so I'm buying neutral colors so we don't have the wrong color once the baby is born."

"Gotcha so have you told your parents yet about everything yet?"

"I haven't heard from my parents since since last week.. they don't know that me and Malcolm are divorcing, also the club incident on tv with my face plastered kissing all over Mike..feeling his.. damn is it hot in here or just me?"

"You know you're pregnant hormones flying everywhere Mike don't know the half of it yet, he will.. pregnancy sex is the best!"

"Whew I was thinking about his morning wood from this morning until I got sick! I was about to get some pipe laid in me!"
"Eww TMI Nae, TMI!"

"Hey you do the same thing with Corey talking about him laying that pipe on you limping all over the place!"

"Yes I'm still limp from last night okay.. he claimed this kitty cat ok!"
"Ok enough sex talk make me end up looking for Mike and let him lay it on me please!!"

"Ok let's find the baby more stuff"

After they were done shopping, Renee and Faye went meets up with Mike and Corey at the food court.
"Hey baby did you find anything?"
"Yes ..I brought crib sheets  and outfits it's a start"
"I got you some shrimp and veggies to feed you and my son"
"You know me so well thank you" As they sat down and finished eating, Renee gets a phone call and wondering to decline the call or answer it..

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