As we walked trough town I could feel myself being starred at by the town's people. I knew it wasn't me being starred at. They were all really starring at the 2 men infront of me because they were strangers, the thing is that everyone in this town knows everyone else so when there's new people we townsfolk don't know they get starred at. But I could still tell they were watching and probably were wondering why I was following the 2 and that made me uncomfortable.

Eventually we arvired at my aunts house, not the biggest bulding in town but certainly one of the finest and more extravagant. And alast the next thing I knew I was in my aunts sitting room sitting on her couch next to her, Ember was being cradled in my arms and he looked as if he were about to go to sleep, in which he did soon fall asleep, and sitting on my aunts loveseat were Mr. Ashton and Mr. Bensly. I explained everything to my aunt. I told her about finding Ember and everything else. "Why did you lie to me about not haveing seen the dragon?" My Aunt asked. "I don't know." I answered. "I just felt as if I had to lie so I could protect him." I said as I moved my gaze to the floor. "Jase, you know that lieing isn't good. Your mother raised you better." My Aunt said. "If I may," said Mr.Bensly, "he did say he felt the need to protecet him and judging by how strong the bond is between the two of them it's  probably why he lied." Mr.Bensly said to my aunt.

"So, you have only been takeing care of him for a day?" Asked Mr.Bensly as he looked at Ember then back at me. "Yes sir." I answered. "How astonishing. A bond this strong." He said as he looked from me to Ember then back to me. "If you don't mind me asking... what do you mean by bond?" I asked. "A bond is the thing that ties a person to a dragon. And it apperes that you have established a tamers bond with Ember. Which is the rarest bond and the hardest bond to establish." Said Mr.Ashton. "And the fact that you established it with a baby dragong, a baby fire dragon that was, and still is, hurt, is simply amazing! How did you do it?" Said Mr.Bensly.

"I don't know." I answered. "Look, I found him yesterday. He was lying in the snow, bleeding." I said as I petted Embers head with my right hand. "So I cleaned him up, gave have him some food and then took him home." I finished. "Yes but, I still want to know how did you 2 develop a tamers bond so stong that fast?" Mr.Bensly said sounding amazed. I srugged. I honestly didn't know how to answer his question.

"That dosen't matter right now. What matters is the fact that the magic from the new bond is the only thing that is keeping Ember in a stable condition." Said Mr.Ashton. "What do you mean?" I asked. "When ever a bond is formed a powerful magic is created, nor nuch is known about the magic that's produced with the forming of a bond but what is know about it is it makes the dragon and the trainer stronger. That's why Ember is no really beong affeted by his injury." Mr. Ashton answered. "Then that's good, right?" I askes. "No, the magic that's made at the start of a bond doesn't last long. Which is why we should take him back to the Acdamey. So we can give him proper medical treatment." Mr. Bensly said. "No! Not without me!" I shouted as I held Ember closer to me. After about 2 seconeds I relized I had shouted and I also relized that it jad woke Ember up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to shout." I said as I moved Ember to my lap. Ember looked up at me with loving eyes then he laid down in my lap and allowed me to pet him. "Kid, of we don't take him to the Acdamey then once that magic wares off then he'll start felling weaker and will countuie to grow weaker. He's a baby dragon and since he's a baby the injury will be worse on him then it would a adult dragon. The injury on his wing looks to be a sever one and if it's left the way it is then... he may end up losing it. If we take him to the Acdamey we can get him checked out by a professional. Look kid, i'm not saying ypu did a bad job doctoring his wing up, infact you did a great job, but... it needs to be looked at by professional." Said Mr. Ashton.

The Dragon Eye [Sample] (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now