Once the dragon had successfully eaten all my sandwhich, and I had successfully cleaned and bandaged it up, it looked like it felt a little bit better. "You felling better buddy?" I asked it. It gave a slight nod and slowly crawled up into my lap. "Hey buddy, you're still pretty hurt, and I bet the cold isn't helping. How about you come home with me?" I said. The baby dragons head perked up at the mention of this. It nodded and then motioned his head towards my bag.

I slowly and carefully picked up the small red beast and put it in my bag. I then unzipped my coat and put my bag on underneath my coat that way the dragon would stay warm. I then srarted heading back towards the village.

Eventuly I finally got back to the village. The cobblestone streets of the village were completely covered in snow amd were empty thanks to the snow storm. Once I got into my house I took off my coat and put my bag on the table. As soon as I put my bag on the table the baby dragon peeped its head out. "We're here, home sweet home." I said to it. It crawled out of the bag and looked around. What it did next hurt my heart. It spread its wings and it tried to flap them only for it to let out a howl of pain. Undoutably the pain was terribly bad considering it lost balance on all 4 of its legs and it fell. I ran over to it.

"Hey, take it easy, easy. You're hurt. You don't need to be makeing any sudden moves. Okay?" I said as I held my hand out towards it. It slowly stood up and moved towards my hand. I then stroked its head. "It's okay. It's okay. You're safe here." I said quietly as I sat down in the binnig chair in front of the table and stroked its small crimson colored head.

"I should get a fire going," I started to say as I glanced at my fire place, "I don't know about you but i'm cold." I said as I stood up. Conveniently enough the fire place was already filled with logs. I stared to walk over to it by the baby dragon was a step ahead of me and shoot a single ball of fire at the fire place and there was an instant fire. I looked at the little beast, sitting on my table, with my eyes wide with amazement. "T-t, thanks." I stuttered. I then went and sat down in one of the 2 dinning chairs that was around my dinning table. "So are you a girl dragon?" I asked. In response it gave me a glare and a snaral. "Okay... so you're a boy then?" I asked. He gave me a small nod. "Okay... then so since you're a boy you're gonna need a boy name." I said. Right after I said that he got an uneasy look on his small face and then he... sneezed... it was adorable. As he sneezed embers flew from his nose. "Okay... how about Ember?" I asked. He sneezed again but after that he nodded. "Alright, Ember it is then." I said with a smile.

I went to stroke his head with my hand and he gladly let me pet him. "I wish I knew how you got hurt, and I wish I knew why you were even out here. No dragons live out here... and we hardly ever see them." I said. He just started at me. "Well-" I started to say but was inturpped by my stomach growling. "Right... you ate my sandwhich... I better find me some food." I said to the small beast. I got up and made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I ate the sandwhich and ended up giving some of the sandwhich to Ember.

Although Ember had been fed earlier and had been cleaned up and bandaged he still was pretty hungry and he still looked pretty weak. Poor thing. I thought. I wish I knew what had happend to it. I thought to myself as me and him ate the sandwhich.

As we ate I talked to Ember, as if he were a person, and he seemeed to listen. "You know... how I found you reminds me of how my Mom said she found me... out alone... shivering in the snow. But she found me before I froze to death... and I found you before you bleed and or froze to death... man... I miss my Mom." I said, quitly mumbling the last part under my breath. In response Ember looked at me as if I were crazy for telling him this and, after a moment, I relized what I had just said I wouldn't have said to anyone... not even my aunt.

I looked at Ember with my eyes wide. "I guess I trust you enough to tell you about my feelings." I said as I let out a sad sounding chuckle. I had just made myself sad because of the thought of my mom. Ember could obviously tell that I was sad because he took a step closer to me and urged me to pet him, in which I did and it made me feel a small bit better.

The Dragon Eye [Sample] (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now