Chapter 2: Home

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#Not Proofread


Kat's POV

"You should have seen your face!" 

I stood speechless in some stranger's bedroom, watching one of the most sexiest guys I have ever seen in my life laugh at me.

"I can't take it anymore," he said rolling on the floor. "Priceless! Hahahaha, I'm going to pee myself." And with that he left the room to take care of some business with John.

I looked at the other guy with confused eyes and an open mouth. Then, I realized he was looking at me too. No, more like glaring. 

"Please," I started, "I'm too young to work as a maid. I don't really mind leaving so please don't try hurting me. Just in case you do thought, I'm as trained as the Karate Kid"

"Right." He scoffed, "You have as much of a chance beating me up as you do surviving in that storm"

Knowing he was right, I blushed. It had been a miracle I survived the journey here with the gale winds and putrid storm. He was also right about me beating him up. I coudn't even break a pencil point. Not the pencil, the pencil point.

I noticed he was shirtless, exposing an eightpack. I thought six was the limit, but an extra two wasn't clearly worked out. My eyes moved upwards, viewing his toned chest and arms, until I reached his face. If humans could be gods, he was definitely one. He had ash brown hair and golden eyes. No, not light brown. They were golden, like the sun as it rises every morning. Then I noticed the smirk on his face. Great. He realised I was checking him out even before I did. Embarrassing...

"Pfft." He scoffed, "Typical Female"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I didn't even notice I was blushing, "I was just thinking how incredibly ugly you are and that I had to bust out of this place before I lose my eyesight!" 

"Oh really?" he said taking a few steps towards me. "I think we can change tha-"

The black-haired cutie burst through the door, with a wide grin on his face. He giggled when he saw me. He seemed so childish..

"Sorry about that," he smiled. "I was just pulling your strings when I said that, just as a joke. You don't have to be our maid or anything. Oh, and I'm Natt, with two 't's. I begged Ash over here to let you stay till the storm's passed, and if you need, even longer."

Suddenly I felt really dumb. I hadn't realized the reason he started laughing was because he was joking. I just thought the boy was crazy. In my defence though, I didn't know him. I suddenly felt something I hadn't in a real long time. Relief.

"Thank you," I said, turning my face to side trying to freeze the warmth spreading in my chest.. 

"So," Natt grinned. "Who's up for some hot chocolate?"


Ash's POV

Awkward .

That was the only word I could use to define these moments. This girl Natt picked up from outside was sitting across from me in my comfort room. Running into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate, he told me to take her here to warm herself. She was watching Pretty Little Liars, but I really just don't get that show. I  was more of a Law and Order  type of guy.

Honestly though, I had to admit she was pretty, no, she was gorgeous. This girl, she looked dangerously familiar. Her brown hair, just slightly darker than mine, framed her face which was complemented by her hazel eyes. I couldn't help but remember how soft she felt as my fingers trailed her petite body as she slept. I only knew this because I helped change her from those wet rags she was wearing to one of my shirts and some sweatpants.  I estimated she was a 34C, well done.  And she was the perfect size too. But that didn't change anything, she was still just a female. A toy given to us to play with when we're bored. I glanced over towards her to see her checking me out. Again.

Heart RunNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ