Hanging out, and realizing you like them

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I woke up on a chair, quite drowsy. When I looked up I saw Aziraphale and Crowley talking. As I leaned my head up, Crowley looked at me and said "Finally, you're up! You'd been so asleep, we couldn't even wake you." He rolled his eyes. I sat up and rubbed my temples, feeling a headache. Aziraphale noticed this and tried to make the pain go away. "Thanks." I said, as he stopped the headache. "Anytime, dear." He responded, it made me blush since he addressed me as 'dear'. Crowley tagged in, seeing that I was blushing. "So, what do'ya wanna do today, love?" He said, smirking. I blushed a bit harder, then I realized I started to like-like them. Crowley laughed, for I was just a blushing mess.

"Enough of that, Crowley." Aziraphale sighed. I tried my best to force myself to stop blushing. Crowley's laughs began to fade as he said "So- so, do you guys just wanna go to the Ritz or something?" I shrugged, but Aziraphale nodded. "2 votes outta three, good enough." He got up and we followed. Aziraphale closed the shop so we could leave, and we three got in the Bentley and drove off.

We arrived at the place, I tried to look my best because this place was kinda fancy-ish. We walked in and did the regular thing. The waiter handed us menus and went off with our drink order. "So, what're you guys having?" Crowley asked. "I don't know, it all looks pretty good to me." I answered. "Honestly, I feel the same way." Aziraphale joined. The waiter came back and asked "Are you ready to order?" So, we ordered and chatted for a bit. And then the waiter came back with our food and set it down. "Enjoy." The waiter said as he walked off. We began to eat and talk about random topics we like.

"I wonder what it's like, living in heaven or hell." I said, changing the topic. "Heaven is quite nice, just a bit office-like." Aziraphale answered half of my question. "Hell is kinda the same way, just more basement scenery." Crowley said. I nodded, getting an idea.

So, we finished, paid, and left. "That was kinda fun." I said, as I got in the back of the car. "I guess it is." Crowley said to me. They both got in the front and they drove me home. I got out and waved goodbye as I walked to my door. I unlocked it and went inside, and once I was in I locked it again. Then, I bummed around for a while and went to bed, having a nice dream about the two boys.

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