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It was a Monday afternoon and everyone was at the pm house

Beep beep bop beep 😂😂

'Its simon' ed said as he held his phone phone up
'Answer then stupid' Zion said


Hi Edwin i have some news you mignt want to share with the band is everyone there
Yeah were all here and the girls is that okay
Yes yes perfect okay so me and you house agent team have been talking and well your all growing and getting other halfs so i was thinking about getting you a bigger house
Wait for real
Yes Edwin for real and thats only if they want to
Oh well yes 100%
Okay ill them to message you houses and mai sure you all have a look
Yes sir we will
Okay bye for now
Bye simon

Beep beep beep

'We gonna be living togetherrrr' Zion shouted as he stood up and so did the boys and they started jumping
'Ayyyy' nick said

All the boys screamed and ran outside as we girls sat laughing
'Im excited '

1 month later

We finally found a house and was moved in

Simon came round to see the new place and we gave him a tour of the house lace

Zion and kehlanis room

And this was in the corner of their room And all other baby things

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And this was in the corner of their room And all other baby things

And this was in the corner of their room And all other baby things

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Edwins room

Edwins room

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Phases•Nick MaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora