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The next day was a chilled day me and nick went back to my house as no one was there and we just stayed in all day .

Bestie💗:are u at ours
Bestie💗:me and z are coming round
Me:yeah alright

'Zion and k are coming round 'i shouted from the sofa to nick who was in the kitchen
'Okay' he said stomping in
'Whats wrong' i asked
'I feel sick like really yuck ' he said
'Aww nickys not well ' I said as layed on the sofa with me
' like i dont know i just want a hug' he laughed
Just then Zion and k came through the door
'Woah k shut your eyes ' Zion joked
'Coast is to clear bro don't worry ' nick laughed putting his arm in the air
'Whats wrong why youse just laying here ' k said as the two both took a seat
' he isn't well' i laughed
'Ahhh nicky aint well' Zion said
'Shut up that's what she said 'nick said which made us laugh
'I need toilet real quick 'z said getting up
We sat there in silent for like 2 minutes
' well we was coming to say do you want to go out for a meal but you ain't well so yeah ' k said getting up as soon came from the toilet
'Sorryyy' i said holding my hand out for her and she took it
'hope you feel better thiccolas ' she said as they got to the door
'Yeah bro get better ' z shouted
'thanks '
They went out and locked the door
'I feel bad ' he said
'Dont right im going to the shop for you what do you want' i said getting up
'No dont leave please' he said grabbing me back
'Well i need to get you some medicine and a appointment'
'Ill be okay i just need a medicine he said
But i refused and went out and booked an appointment at the doctors
I got how favourite fooda and went back home to him asleep on the sofa
I then got a text from kehlani

Bestie💗: i forgot i had this i took it earlier (Picture inserted here)

Me:aww that's cute and thanks ,also are u home tonight ill make dinner

Bestie💗:no im at the pm house me and z aint gwtting sick for nothing 😂😂

Me:okay then and wish me luck

Bestie💗: luck💘💘

i decided to post the picture on Instagram


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Cleo.baby: my ill baby😭💙
Kehlani.king:my fav couple
Zionkuwonu:this is the realist shit ive seen ,mad love for youse
Edwinhonoret:your still my bestie but hes got you happy 😊
Brandon_arreaga:my bestie before all of yours 😂😂
Theaustinporter:im happy for you guys

My phone kept going off and i didnt want to wake nick so i put it on silent and went and made some dinner
It was about an hour later and i finished making the pasta bake and nick was fidgetting
'Cleoooo' he moaned
'What' i said walking towards him
'have you gpt any medicine my head is feeling so crappy'
He said
'Yeah hold up ' i went a grabbed the medicine and gave it to him and then he snuggled back under the blanket
'I dont want dinner by the way ' he said
'You need to eat ' i said as i sat next to him
'Ma ill be good ' he said back

The evening was pretty chilled ,i just ate an watched TV while nick slept on the sofa ,it was around 10:30 and i decided to go to sleep so i woke nick up
'Are you coming up to bed ' i nugded him
'Mmm what' he said
'I said are you coming up to bed or do you want to sleep here ' i repeated
'Nah ill come up to bed now' he said getting up
I made sure everything was locked and followed him up
,i got in bed next to him and slowly drifted off

'cleooo' nick saod before he puked
I turned on my bedside light and checked my phone to see it was 2:43 in the morning ,i looked to the joint bathroom and see nicks head in the toilet
'Crap ,are you okay wait at up question ,do you want water ' i asked to which he nodded his head yes

I ran downstairs and got some water and then went back up to him being sick again

'have you eaten anything dodgy ' i asked rubbing his back
'No ,ive eaten what id normally eat nothing new '
'Maybe you just need to rest and get it all out your system 'i said

He stopped being sick ,took some water and then brushed his teeth and laid back in bed,i brushed his hair back with my hamds and i started to hear him drift off again

The next day was chilled nick slept most of the day and then around 5 i was called by the playground ,i answered it and walks downstairs and sat on the sofa


Jenson was the manger at the playgroumd but he was also my bestie thats why i got to pick when i went in and i still got paid but i didnt ever take the mick

hiya cleo just a little random but are you comimg in tomorrow
Err i ain't quite sure yet ,nick isn't well but ill come in if im needed
No no no dont worry girl its fine i was just wondering as you had mail but it was addressed here so i was a little confused ,ill pop it into you if you want

*I was so confused ,all mail was addressed to my home so i was a little thrown back *

Nah jenson its fine ill get k to come pick it up is that alright yeah
Yes yes sure thing girl ,hope nick gets
better and your back soon , love ya
Bye j love ya don't miss me

I got off the phone and called kehlani


You alright
Yeah err well i dont know can you pick up mail from the playground nicks still not well and i dont want to leave him but i also want to know what this bit of mail is as everything is addressed to here
Yeah sure thing im on my way home to change anyways ill pop in there right now
Thanks so much
Its cool hows nick
Still not good he was so last night so theres that
Ahh crap right let me go im getting out my car now and disconnecting the aux your Hooked up to so yeah
Okay then love you
Love you too girlieee

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