They walked instead of going with their car(s). It was a bit of a walk like a thirteen minute walk, but it was sunny and they felt like the sun was needed.

"Hey Yolanda, lets get something to eat" Yolandi said out of the blue.

"Ight bet. They went in to their aunties shack, it was called; Auntie Yalanias, and what was best about it was that was their auntie.

"Hey auntie, can we have the regular with extra pikiliz -- oh and also a salad". Yolanda said, that was both their favorite. Griot and fried plantains with pikiliz' their auntie was born in Haiti,

Their grandmother which is Yalan and Yalanias' mother who is white went to Haiti during pregnancy and ended up giving birth there. And plus there grandfather is haitian -- not fully but somewhat.

"Thank you auntie: Yolandi said as they walked out.

"No problem ti bebe mwe yo, she replied throwing in a bit of creole. (Not Louisiana Creole: Haitian Creole)

They both walked out as they ate: they also bought two sodas and teo water bottles.

They finally reached the court.

Yolandi took a seat on the hot metal bleacher, she yelped a bit since it was hot and placed her jacket under her.

Yolandis' eyes traveled to, Trinton: oh how he was so fine, he was short, shorter then Yolandi, but thats not what Malaysia said in bed.

He was so adorable he was a bit muscular. His chocolate skin was glistening in the hot sun.

Yolandi snapped out of ehr thought when Carmine, Donlan and Yoko, came and sat next to her.

"Hey...Yolandi" Carmine greeted. She nodded tlwards him, "hey Donnie, she greeted her brother pulling his big body into a hug.

"Okay Landi let me go, he said pushing her lightly". How you gon do that Don -- I haven't seen you sin- she got cut off by hims saying: since you fought Kailen, yeah I know.

Oh you da broad that fought her; Yoko asked. Yoko was lowkey ugly. You haf to get use to his face to see his sexiness-- and Yolandi didn't like how close he was to her, his teeth were filled with gold. His breath stunk-- it was hot and stanky and she aint fuck with it.

"Tch". Yolandi sucked her teeth.... "Can you get the fuck outta' ma face jhit' she said.

"Tch, bitch you doing to much ain't nobody over here want you ya own brother dont even claim you he replief very slatyly.

Yolandi looked from him to Don, and walked away.

"I shouldn't of ever came, she muttered to herself as she walked back home.

She felt a presence and took off running for thirteen minutes.

She finally reached home shw unlocked the door and stepped inside also locking it.

"Hey yall Im back" she said.
Oh hey Landi, she heard.... No other then Kailen and her mothers naggy voice.

"Why the fuck are you here? she asked bluntly, "were suing. You caused my baby girl to have two swollen eyes. Kailens mother replied.

How the hell yall got in my house? Yolandi asked.

We let our selves in Kailens till has the key she replied flipping her short dry stiff hair.

"Okay so what im hearing is, yall are trespassing".

Yolandi took her phone and called her mom.

"Yo", her mother greeted on the phone.

"Mama Kailen and Her mama let themselves in out house. She said as calm as possible.

"Im right outside im heading in right now' her mother replied.

Okay bye, she hung up.

Miss. Denville, Im gonna ask you to leave. Or else you can deal with my mom. Matter s fact, you said you're suing? Okay. I'll see how far you get Yolandi stated.

Listen here you little bitch you and your sister touched my daughter. You guys harassed her. Her mother screamed.

On cue, Yolandis' mother stepped inside.

"Aye, Danielle Imma ask you as calm as I can, "get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. my. House." She said through gritted teeth.

Danielle-- Kailens' mother didn't budge to move, Yalan took matters into her own hand.... The hard way she slapped Danielle in the face.

"Get the fuck out of my house, this your last time up in this bitch. And don't even bother going to twelve-nem, I'll blow yo brains up bitch". Yalan screamed.

"And for you, Yolandi said pointing at Kailen, leave".

Kailen looked up at Yolandi hesitantly before getting up and leaving.

"You'll get yours Yolandi, you will she said as she ran".

Yolandi sighed as she walked and grabbed the febreeze spray and sparying it on the couch where they sat.

She looked at her watch and it read; one-forty five.

Yolands' pov

I sat on the bleachers talking to Carmine fine ass, he was single and only 19 lookin likr a grown ass man, I like my niggas grown anyways they beat it up right you know what I'm saying.

"So you trynna go home right now, he asked breaking me out of my thoughts". Yeah daddy I replied biting my lip.

"Aight lets ride' he said.

We walked towards his car,

"so you ain't gon open my door? I asked. I... Mean you don't got respect for yourself so why would I give you respect he said shocking me,

Its whatever.... I mumbled embarassed.

I got in the car and he pulled off.

...just drop me off at home I said folding my arms. "Okay", he replied.

In less then thirteen mintues he dropped me off at home.

I walked up to my door and unlocked it walking inside.

I got a slap to my face.

"Where the fuck have you been Yolanda, Its seven forty five,

Not only that but you left Yolandi hanging at the court you over here being a hoe calm your hot ass down.

My mom screaming, I rubbed my cheek not even sayinv anything. Because she is deff on that.

"I know you hear me talking to you: Yolanda Enric Jadsen. I ain't gon ask you no more unless you want me to murk you" she added as her legs shook.

"..........." I-

Mama.... I don't wanna talk please just let me go to my room.

Alright go ahead, just know you ain't off the hook.

"...okay good night".

Night, she replied walking away.

Please help with this story i have always wanted to write a story since i was very young, and Etcetera. Give me ideas ill continue writing if i have atleast 3 people reading😊 i promise ill try to keep it interesting; you dont have to comment just vote please😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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