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Taylor walked me home-he was so quiet today it was so unlike him. "Um..Taylor?Are you okay?Why so quiet huh?" I joked. Taylor stopped walking,and replied,"I've a crush on you Jennifer.I liked you since the very first day we met,the day you sat beside me,the day we became friends."

I looked at Taylor. My heart started pounding. Taylor's a really good friend,my other best friend apart from Thomas. But i've a crush on Thomas,not Taylor. "I'm sorry Taylor."
I ran off towards my house,leaving the broken hearted Taylor behind.

Once i reached home,I slammed the door and leaned against it,trying to sort out my feelings. I don't wish to lose a best friend. I left Taylor behind-didn't even giving him time to explain. Taylor was always there every time i needed him.He and Thomas were the only ones that cheered me up when i was out and down. I felt my heart ached, as if i felt how Taylor felt at that very moment. Poor Taylor. 
I took out my phone.

"Taylor I'm really sorry for everything. Hope you'd forgive me,for everything i've done." I typed.

I threw my phone on the sofa while i walked to my room to change,holding the knee length dress. An hour before my date with Thomas!

in my room~

I slipped in the dress and zipped up from behind,looking in the mirror. Well isn't this the other side of Jennifer the girly? I laughed to myself. I held the comb and started brushing my entangled hair. "I wonder what Thomas plans to tell me later, we always meet up with Taylor,but this time.Excluding him?Must be top secret!" I wondered to myself.

I laid on my bed, hugging my brown teddy bear Taylor gave me for christmas last summer. I thought about all the memories Thomas,Taylor and I made. I smiled to myself.

It was almost time. I grabbed my sling bag and headed for the main door.

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