Prove It To Me

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Sal's eyes widen looking up at his much taller boyfriend "what are you talking about Larry!?" Sal didn't have much time before Larry was bending down slightly and started kissing his neck while having one hand holding both of Sal's above his head. Sal didn't resist but took him a minute to fully grasp the situation as Larry used his other hand to start putting it up his shirt. Larry's hands on Sal's soft pale skin sent shivers down his spine as he bit his lip.

"You know exactly what I mean" Larry almost growled in Sal's ear softly yet quietly. Sal's face turned the brightest shade of red and felt his ears heating up. Sal couldn't help but feel desire rush over him just as much as Larry had. This wasn't makeup sex, this was desire that they've held back for years. The timing labels it as makeup sex but they didn't care they both wanted each other. Sal's words to Larry prior to him starting this pushed him over the edge.

"You mean it right? You only want me? Forever?" Larry said softly in Sal's ear as he finally looked Larry in the eyes with such a bliss look on his face.

"Of course, there isn't anyone else I'd ever want other then you"

Larry smirked and let go of Sal's hands as he put his other hand under Sal's shirt. His hands were resting at Sal's waist with Sal's baggy shirt bunches up on his wrists. He continued to leave love bites on Sal's neck and collar bone, leaving small bruises on Sal's pale skin.

Sal put his hands on Larry's shoulder gripping them as his nails slightly dug into Larry's tan skin making his love bites harder and longer making sal softly moan. Larry stopped his love bites to look sal in the eyes with only pure love as he smiled. "You're so beautiful, i wish you could see how beautiful you are in my eyes" Larry said as he kissed sal passionately.

Sal couldn't put into words how much Larry meant to him as he kissed Larry with such passion even though their kisses were sloppy. Sal felt Larry's hands go down to his thighs as Larry lifted him up and pressed him against the wall again. Sal wrapped his legs around Larry's waist and his arms around Larry's neck as their kiss became deeper. Larry bit down softly on Sal's bottom asking permission to deepen the kiss even further. Sal opened his mouth slightly as Larry put his tongue in Sal's mouth exploring his mouth as sal softly pulled on Larry's hair.

Larry's long brown locks were still damp but sal didn't care as he kept a grip on his boyfriends hair while there kiss just got deeper and sloppy. Sal took his hands out of Larry's hair and put them on Larry's bare chest softly pushing to get Larry to stop for a minute. Larry pulled back as both of them were breathing heavy but slowly.

"Do you trust me?" Larry said in between breaths, sal nodded in response. Larry took him and sat him on the kitchen counter right at the edge as he started to lift his shirt off. As soon as Larry got his shirt off he threw it to the side and put his hand in Sal's boxers rubbing his length with the palm of his hand. Sal let out soft raspy moans as Larry did so. Larry continued as he started kissing down his collarbone to his chest and slowly down his stomach. Sal bit his lip as Larry pulled his boxers all the way off and started pumping his cock licking the tip trying to tease sal. Sal couldn't help but let out louder moans as he put his hand over his mouth and used his other hand to keep himself balanced by having it on the counter at an angle.

Larry pulled Sal's hand down "no I want to hear you moan my name" he continued to suck on the tip of Sal's length as sal obeyed and then put his hand in Larry's hair. "Ahh...Larry please don't tease me" sal said with a painful pleasure in this voice. Larry continued to take more of Sal's length as he pumped him at the same time. When Larry found a rhythm sal couldn't help but be driven crazy, griping Larry's hair as he let out pretty loud moans biting his lip to try and contain the noise he was making.

"Larry...Fuck please...I need you" sal said not being able to finish a complete sentence without breathing heavy throughout it, making sentences hard to complete. He felt himself not lasting much longer as Larry continued and finally stopped lifting sal back to his waist. "Awe come on you can't quit on me that fast" Larry said with a smirk taking sal back to their room and shutting the door. Larry sat sal down on the bed and Sal took it upon himself in a rough desirable way to take Larry's towel off and throw it to the side as he immediately started to pump his length in his small hand. Sal pulled Larry down as he sat on the bed fully against the headboard sitting up as sal continued to pump him and started to lick the tip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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