lisa hated how nervous she felt. it was actually quite rare for her to feel this way, but the thing is, she considered this her first date with jennie—it was purely one-sided but let the girl dream.

the blonde couldn't help but feel the jitters. add the fact that jennie was holding her hand and you'd get why lisa was being such a wreck.

consumed by her own thoughts, she had forgotten to reply to the korean. but when they had noticeably passed their destination, lisa became attentive and snapped her head back to look at the movie theater that was now 20 feet behind them.

"jennie," lisa spoke up, "i don't know if you noticed but the movie theater is that way," the blonde pointed behind them.

"i'm aware." there was no sign of jennie's pace slowing down any time soon, she kept walking forward.

"normally, people would watch the film inside the theater and not 3 blocks away."

the korean ignored her and kept walking with a grin on her face.

"if you're planning to kidnap me, i don't think choosing someone that lives across from you is a good start."

jennie shook her head, "you're so annoying."

"then stop holding my hand."

"no." jennie held lisa's hand even tighter.

the korean took a sharp turn to the left and the view of an unusually lively park came into sight. it was a carnival.

"since when was this here?" lisa's eyes lit up. jennie found her childlike excitement cute.

"i saw it two nights ago."

"i can't believe i haven't seen this," this time lisa was the one dragging jennie, "let's go!"

the korean giggled as lisa ran as fast as she could to the bright lights of the carnival ahead. the whole thing felt like it was in slow motion to jennie; the wind blowing on both of them, lisa's wide smile as she looked back every few seconds to check if the korean was still behind her, and of course, their fingers tangled in each other's. such a cliché.

it was almost like the world shrunk 10 times smaller. like the world revolved around lisa and not the sun—like lisa is the sun. a bright and comfortably warm sun.

jennie thought this only happened in dramatically romantic movies—not in real life and definitely not with lisa. maybe it was a dream, maybe it was the effects of the wine she drank before coming, or maybe it was jennie's brain playing tricks on her, but the korean could've sworn lisa was shining brighter than the moon and all the stars combined that night.

they had reached the carnival and lisa immediately headed to the stand that sold cotton candy. jennie looked around as a basketball sized teddy bear caught her eyes.

the thai handed the stick of cotton candy to the korean, noticing her attention was on something else, lisa followed where the latter's eyes were looking, "what are you looking at?"

"the bear."

"do you want it?" jennie nodded in response.

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