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Title: Affair of the Heart

Summary: They thought they could keep it a secret. They were wrong.



October 12, 2018

Malibu, CA

Germanotta/Carino Residence

She couldn't stop the tears. Sad tears. Happy tears. Angry tears. They just kept falling.

"What's wrong, babe?" Christian asked his fiancée as he walked into their bedroom and headed straight for the closet.

She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. The last thing in the world she wanted to do was hurt him, but she also knew she owed him the truth.

"Can you come over here so we can talk?" she asked him softly while he continued to toss clothing into his suitcase.

Seeing he was ignoring her, she tried again.

"We need to talk," she insisted a little louder. "This's important, Chris."

He turned around and asked again what was wrong, but he was so flippant that they both knew he didn't really want an answer. Despite being able to see she was upset; he was only concerned with his latest business trip.

"Babe, I really don't have time to..."

"I'm pregnant!" she yelled at him.

(Bradga; RPF) Affair of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now