Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Bradley was stunned; too stunned to say anything. Of all the things he'd imagined her telling him, that was not one of them. Before he knew what was happening, Stefani had moved from his lap and was standing in front of him.

"Please say something," she managed to say through her tears after many long moments of utter silence.

Bradley didn't say anything though. Instead he slowly reached out and clutched her waist in his hands and pulled her to stand right in front of him. With his left hand still at her waist, he used his right hand to gently lift her tight t-shirt up to reveal her belly.

She was pregnant! He leaned forward and pressed his warm lips against her belly; against their child. Their child.

Stefani smiled through her tears and weaved her fingers through his soft hair. She couldn't stem the flow of emotions pouring from her as he caressed her stomach with tender fingers.

When he finally looked up at her, his blue eyes were full of tears as well. He stood abruptly and leaned down and connected their lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

When he pulled back, he shook his head. "When? How?"

She wiped her eyes and smirked. "How?"

Bradley laughed with her as he sat down and again pulled her into his lap. "I know how. I just meant...we've always been careful."

She nodded. "I know. I guess...sometimes precautions don't work. I'm sorry that..."

He put a finger against her lips. "Do not apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for, baby. This is...I can't even believe it."

"What are we gonna do?" she asked quietly, afraid of his answer. "We've been cheating on our..."

He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger and made her look directly into his eyes as he spoke.

"I don't love Irina," he told her in a strong voice. "I never have, and I know I'm a complete asshole for not breaking up with her a long time ago so I could spare us all the hurt that you and I being together is going to bring. But, that's on me."

"Christian knows," she abruptly revealed. "Or, he suspects the...the baby is yours. I didn't confirm it to him, but..."

Bradley smiled slightly. "But, despite my suspicions to the contrary, he's actually not an idiot."

Stefani chuckled softly. "No, he isn't. But he is extremely angry with me right now. We had a horrible fight. He quickly worked out that I'm not far enough along for this baby to be his. He threw insults my way, called me...well, that doesn't matter. So, again, my question is what are we going to do?"

He again kissed her lips while his hand rubbed gently circles over where their child rested deep inside her.

"I'm going to talk to Irina; break up with her and work out custody of Lea," he told her in a steady tone. "You're going to stop giving two shits about Carino because he doesn't fucking matter in this situation. Then, come hell or high water, you and I are going to plow through awards season together and I don't give a fuck what it does to the film. I love you, Stefani Germanotta. We're gonna have a baby together."

Stefani felt like all she had done recently was cry. At least now the tears coursing down her cheeks were those of joy, happiness and love. She kissed him softly, tangling her fingers in his hair as their tongues tangled together.

"How far along are you?" he wondered after the kiss ended.

"Doctor says about six weeks," she told him.

(Bradga; RPF) Affair of the HeartKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat