New Beginnings

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And yes I somehow need to assimilate with the mess that just happened to me and get on with what life has prepared for me. "Let all the heart feelings die," I said to myself.  I am no excited about tomorrow's morning rather I spent the whole night in deep upset. 

I couldn't sleep much as I'm a bit nervous about my New Begining. As I walked straight to the dining hall through the midway of the hallway, I saw my father sitting alone reading a book. 

"Good Morning Dad." 

"Good Morning Dear. All the very best for your first day"

"Thanks, Dad"

"So, Finally my little one fought all the evil back. I am very glad that you wanted to take up the courses dear."

My heart cried that it isn't out of my will. But I did not want to disappoint him.

"Thank you. "

We had our breakfast together.   Mom has arranged everything before I ask for anything. Not just this mere little thing but everything in my life is well set by her apart from my art school idea. 

Alford Wallis University. It is the top university in the country, under the royal family. The students here are either from the royal families or top business families.  Alford is also well known for its excellent architecture. The infrastructure of the classrooms will drop your jaw. Each classroom looks like a huge hall with a big screen and a tall designed cupboard at the corner filled with a variety of books.

 The opposite of the business department is the central library. The central library is the only library to the entire Alford. It is of four stories huge building filled with copious books.  

The blocks are almost 2 miles away from the lofty ornate main gate. 

I reached the class before a few minutes as it's my first day. As a part of the habit, I took the seat in the first row. I arranged my books on my table and made myself ready for the lecture. I was introduced to the class as it's my first day. It's a long lecture that went for 2 hours longs. I was staring at the lecturer but I couldn't picture anything that I was lost in my thoughts.

After the lecture, I thought of visiting the library. I enjoy spending time in libraries as they give a peaceful mind. 

I packed my books and walked down to the library with a heavy heart.  There were few boys and girls readings.  I sat in the table near the window. 

It's my first day at college and I didn't talk much with anyone. It became hard for me to trust someone again. I have no issues with Ellie even now. I left all the heart feeling. I have no anger, no hope, no excitement on anything. I  am simply with no heart feeling, in precise. 

By now it's been weeks. College and my Room have become my routines.  And on holidays, I spend time gardening or make myself busy with the assignments. And slowly my life has become very passive. 

"Myra. How are your classes going?"

"Well they are going well, Mom"

"Next week we have a business meeting in Florence. Would you like to join us?"

"A business meet?" I stumped. 


"Am sorry. I had to complete the assignments."

" That's okay." 

I went to my room and opened my books. Just then something hit my mind. Florence!!

yeah! Florence is a city in Italy and with many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. Idiot you missed the chance of visiting the iconic sights is the Duomo, a cathedral with a terracotta-tiled dome, and its historical beauty. Now my heart ached. 

I rushed to the hall to find my mom. But she isn't there. I walked through the library to the upstairs to her room. The housemaid said she is in the meeting hall. I made a quick walk.


"Yes, Myra"  

"Mom I will join you for Florence."

She stared at me with a surprise first. Then a puzzled face followed it.

"You said you had to complete assignments. "

"Yes. but I can complete it early."

"Alright then."

I am overwhelmed with happiness. I can visit the city while my parents attending the meet."

The next day I went to college and like every other day, I went to the library. I found Amelia with her group of friends sitting on my desk. Amelia is the girl who sits next to me in the classroom. She is kind, generous and beautiful. They were whispering and giggling. Amelia signed me to join them.  I signed back saying it's okay. She added another chair to the desk for me. Now, I couldn't refuse I made my way. 

With a very low tender voice, she quickly introduced her friends to me. 

"Myra. This is Nora, Lauren, Lucas, and Steve.  

"Hi. I am Myra."

"Myra, The Princess." Lucas

"Myra" I repeated.

Nora and Lauren chuckled at my reply. our eyes soon fell into books. 

And this has almost become our routine. I enjoyed their companion. They are sweet and friendly. But still, somewhere inside a fear haunted me. The days passed quickly. 

I am very excited about Florence. I made arrangements for tomorrow's departure. I packed my clothes, daily essentials, and a  travel notebook. I slept on my bed thinking about it, and then I found it hard to get myself to sleep. I was staring at the roof wall and imagining things. 

Early in the morning I woke up and made myself ready and got to the hall to see my parents. They were ready too and were waiting for me. While I came downstairs, Henry got my luggage and loaded it in the car. I sat in the second car while my parents took the other one. And so we started our journey. We will move to Mount Alexandria from here to take off to the region of Tuscany. The only reason for my excitement is the art clubs, historical site seeing, and museums.  

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