You will never understand it until you experience it.

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I know that it's no mistake with Elli in bursting down into laughter. Things were that weird.

I never did want to be this. PRINCESS MYRA. And I had no perfect reason for it too. 

Others feel it privileged. Everyone would have fantasized about being in a royal position at least once in their lifetime. It's every girl's fantasy to be the princess. But its no cinch to be a royal lady. As I said, People will never truly understand the pain until it happens to them.

Even I had fantasized like any other girl.  But I never thought that those childhood fantasies will one day become dreadful truth. 

I am no royale child until I am six. I enjoyed every little thing in life. I relished every minute I spend with my parents, the time I spend playing with neighbors, that cycle rides at our avenue. And suddenly all of them were replaced with parties with royale families, royale companions, playing alone in the garden behind our huge home, sorry I am supposed to call it a castle. My heart aches over my chest whenever I get these thoughts. 

All of these thoughts faded with the waiter's interruption. He brought two tall decorative cream cups with tea rose tiny flowers that matched to the cafe's wall color, with long steam and a cute basket-shaped container with appealing desert spoons in it.  

" MYRA?" Eli is damn curious about my uncanny behavior.

Her glossy luxuriant straight hair with a pretty yellow barrette showed much brighter.  I can see her deep concern towards me through her big hazel eyes. I want to cry out how typical my life became to enjoy little things in life. However, My mom never bothered it. She would say I am highly lucky for it and I don't understand that now.

"Nothing." I wanted to end up this awkward conversation.

"You were as cool as cucumber. I can understand that." 

"I don't like it all Eli." I have no interest to carry it much longer.

" But I am super lucky to a princess as my friend. You don't have any idea about how I am feeling it all right now. I am on cloud nine. Can anybody believe it? I am going to be equally popular being your friend and we will be the popular kids in the entire Oakridge."  Her zest added fuel to my fire. And everybody around us staring at us for her mystifying behavior. I don't find any other way to stop this embarrassment rather walking out of the cafe. I know it would be so rude to her. But I am already under great melancholy. ( Oakridge is my school name) 

I made a quick move to my house. I mean, to the house I am presently residing.  I stay with my father's childhood friend Mr. George Ray and his family. Mr.Ray and his wife, Mrs. Sally Jones are a generous and very lovely couple. They had an 8-year-old daughter, Claire. she is intelligent, pretty, amiable, courteous and gregarious. I love her companion and her innocence. By the time I reached home, Claire was in the drawing-room busy with her assignments while Mrs.Ray preparing our meal for dinner and Mr.Ray seem to be out of the house for his work. I dropped my jacket to the stand and walked straight to my room. I stay in the left corner room in the upstairs beside the claire's room.  she usually spends time in my room or would do her assignments in the drawing-room right beside the stairs in the downstairs. 

I shut myself in my dark bedroom, sobbing on my pillow blaming myself for every possible thing. The way she carried my grief made me cry much more. I could be as pessimistic as I could be at that very moment. All of these thoughts reeled in my head over and over again and then I abruptly fell asleep. 

After a little while, I could hear the door knock. But my fatigue made me slothful to open the door, my eyes became hefty and tired of the melodramatic day, that they were reluctant to open wide and they slammed. 

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