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Lizzpup- hum humm *bing* ohhhhhh their going to hate this *teleports to sanses* everyone come here
Error- what
Lizzpup- rude but not the point look

 Everyone- •//////• Dust- *death stare fell*Fell-*death starring dust* Ink and error kissed and were blushing messes just like cross and nightmare

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Everyone- •//////•
Dust- *death stare fell*
Fell-*death starring dust*
Ink and error kissed and were blushing messes just like cross and nightmare. Killer grabbed dream and kissed him and dream kissed back. The only ones left were blue, dust, and fell. Fell walk up to blue and so did dust and they both kissed him on his cheeks
Blue- I-I
Dust- cute
Cross-*hugging nightmare*
Nightmare-*hugging cross back*
Ink and error and hugging and dream and killer were cuddling.
Lizzpup- SOOOO CUTE hey blue you ok
Blue- *dieing inside from the kiss from fell and dust* peachy
Lizzpup- ask or dare

Ask or dare the bad sanes and the star sanesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora