Another day another dust bunny

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"Cleaning. Is. All. I've. Done," I mumble to Eren.

"Yeah, well we're just rookies still, all the older ones get to go out and fight, and practice!" I noticed as he talked he gripped the broom harder and his eyes widened.

"Woah there big guy." I say, "Don't need to get your shit in a wad," He smiled and continued on sweeping.

Being a cadet wasn't all that bad, I just wish things would pick up more. I'd rather be outside destroying Jean and my friend at a good game of kick ball than doing this. I sighed and walked over to the closet and opened it, out of nowhere Eren came out screaming.

"What the heck it wrong with you," I said laughing at him

"I wanted to scare you, hehe, didn't seem to work, we shall try this another time,"

I threw Eren a little hit with the end of the broom and he threw one back, we eventually began to play around. This feels nice I missed being careless and having fun.

In the midst of us horsing around a younger girl came through the door with a message. I grabbed it and thanked her.

On the message we received it said that we're getting put in a special squad to help further research for Erens titan. I looked up at Eren and grabbed his wrist,
"Dude no way!" I shouted, but his face seem still, "whats wrong?"

"This whole past month has been filled with so much chaos. So many people have lot their lives." Eren said.
"Well yes, we put our lives on the line for this job, but this Eren, "I say while grabbing onto the letter, "This could bring both you and I one step closer to beating the titans!"

I noticed his eyes sparkle a little more when I said that,

"Okay!" There he is, that's my Eren!
I've lately been at the top of the rankings for my class. Which is probably why I'm being put in with this "special squad".  I've never felt my body feel so strong before, heck I had Mikasa and Annie down on the ground in seconds.

As we walked through the halls I listened to the sound of our boots hit the stone floors,

"Hey y/n."


"I know, I love Mikasa and Armin but, I'm really happy you're in this squad with me."

Hearing that felt nice. Eren and I met the day both of our mothers were killed, I remember holding onto his had and being absolutely terrified. That day I knew, I wanted to kill all the titans.

I felt Eren pull me by the wrist and stop me, I then felt his arms come around me and squeeze me close. He soon let go and continued walking no words said. But I knew that was his way of saying 'l love you'.


We walked in to a room with a few side tables but nothing else in it. Soon a few people began walking in. Thinking to myself this must be our new group. Everyone here looked so well built and strong, even the smaller looking girl. Soon the commander stepped up to talk to us alongside a shorter man.

"Hello y/n and Eren I am Erwin and this here next to me is Levi. Today you will be joining Levi's squad to help with you Eren. Please make yourselves at home here because you will no longer be staying in the old dorms you were in."

"Yes sir!" we both shouted.

Soon Levi stepped up to talk after Erwin left,

"Alright today you two will be cleaning, you have two hours to clean this room and both of your rooms, be down to dinner at 7 sharp."

His voice was deep, and struck me deep in my core. He sure is something. Eren and I changed and began to clean, I noticed the sky began to turn pretty colors of orange and pink. This world is so torturing yet beautiful. Now I have met Levi only once and that was the day all hell broke lose. I hope he can train me well. Deep in my mind I knew that this man is gonna impact my life one way or another, but I couldn't just put my finger on it.

Dusty bunny after dust bunny Eren and I cleaned these stupid rooms.

"First day on the team and were cleaning y/n,"

"Doesn't surprise me, better than running useless laps though around the dorms,"


That night I laid in bed, kinda giddy. what will this bring me? Will I die protecting Eren? what is Levi really like? There was so much in my mind I just didn't know what to do.

'Oh well lets just rest easy tonight y/n'

I snuggled deep down into my shitty wooden bed and closed my eyes.

     another day another dust bunny I guess

The One (Levi x Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن