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"This is a really cool house Arabella." He said. I looked at him shocked. "How did you get here?!!" I screamed at him.

"Honey, who are you yelling at?" My mom asked. George looked as confused as me.

"The guy who helped me get home." I said confused.

"There's nobody there?" she said.

"Yes there is, George this is my mom, mom this is Constable George Crabtree...the guy who almost lost his job for me." I said. My mom sighed then picked up her phone.

"Hi, Mr. Roberts? Yes, this is Jillian Wary, Arabella Wary's mom. She's back in her second dimension again. I need you come immediately." My mom said into the phone. A couple minutes later Dr. Roberts was buzzing to come up to our condo.

"Mom I'm perfectly fine! it's you who isn't right in the head!" I screamed at her. I despise the 2014 Dr. Roberts. He's creepy and now that I think about it..he looks just like the Dr. Roberts from 1901. He came up with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Arabella." He had sly look on his face like he knew something I didn't.

"Hi." I said angrily.

"I brought some people with me this time I thought you'd like to meet." He said. I looked at him with curiosity.

"Who?" I asked.

"Come in here guys." He called around the corner and these two people who looked like George Crabtree, and Dr. Grace.

"You guys?" I said confused. "What's your names?" I asked.

"Well, uhm my name is George Corb, and this is my wife Emily Gray-Corb." The guy said. I instantly looked behind me to see Crabtree was gone.

"Okayyyy then." I said.

"Ms. Wary, would it be okay with you if just Arabella and my friends go on a walk?" Dr. Roberts asked. My mom nodded.

"Yeah that's fine with me." She said. Dr. Roberts nodded and led me outside with George and Emily.

"Arabella, I'm glad you made it back safe." Dr. Roberts smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well our interview at the station was very interesting." He hinted.

"Wait...your the same Dr. From 1901??" I asked confused. He nodded.

"And so is George Crabtr- I mean Corb and Mrs. Grac- I mean Gray-Corb." He added.

"So is this all an hallucination or is this for real happening??" I am so confused right now, it's not even funny.

"Yes, it is actually happening." Murdoch said coming out from some shadows she were passing.

"Are all of you guys really seriously here?" I am so lost right now I don't even understand.

"Yes!" They all yelled in sync.

"Jesh okay, well I'm going to go home now and try to determine how on earth my mom thinks I'm living in an imaginary world." I said.

"Wait let us tell you?" George suggested. I nodded at sat on the patch of grass with with them.

"Your grandfather helped us get half of ourselves here and then sent you to go back in time to find our other halves. I know that sounds weird but that's how it is." Murdoch said as a girl walked over to us. She had goldish, reddish locks of hair and was very pretty. "Hello, my beautiful Julia. Oh Arabella, this is my wife Julia, you know her as Dr.Ogden." Murdoch said smiling.

"Nice to see you again Arabella." She said. I nodded and stood up.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys but I think I have 4 days worth of homework to complete so I'll see you around." I smiled and walked away.

~La Fin~

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