I wasn't too thrilled about the C because that's just not the kind of student I've been in the past. It bothered me, but I kept telling myself that I really did try my best. I studied really hard, but the test just had some really difficult questions that I didn't have any idea would be on there.

I just remember that two of the ones I got wrong we're about a neuromuscular junction and I was like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT. hahaha! I studied so many other things and THIS is what was on the exam?! LOL.

But I also found out that everyone else I talked to about the exam, failed it. So I guess that made me feel a bit better. I was like okay so everyone thought it was hard! Haha!

Earlier this week, my teacher also asked me if I would be the "study group coordinator" for our class.

I was shocked but quickly agreed.

I was mostly shocked because I've only been there for 3 weeks when other people in the class have been there for months and months.

It's kind of hard to explain but the classes work in a kind of loop. So there's a bunch of new students in the class but there's older students too. But the older students haven't learned what we're learning now. And after this term is over, me and the rest of the new students will be second term students and brand new students will join the class with all of us second term students and older students. And it will just go like that in a loop.

I hope that makes sense. I really don't know how to explain it.

But I was shocked that my teacher asked me to be the study group coordinator because she could pick someone that's been there longer or that she's known for months longer than she's known me. But she picked me instead.

You even get recognized at graduation for it. So I'll get to wear a fancy little rope thing (whatever the fuck those are called lol) around my neck with my cap and gown. Hopefully along with another rope for getting a high grade point average!

I talked to my teacher more about it privately after she asked me in front of the whole class if I wanted to do it and she said that the study group coordinator is usually someone outgoing and who can organize things well and she thought I would be good at it.

I was just really thrilled that she thought I would be good at it.

So I had to attend a meeting about it after school yesterday and then this morning I asked the whole class who wanted to come and when would be a good time for them.

And now I have my first study group scheduled for Friday! Lol.

I think there's going to be 6 people there including me.

I'm kind of stressing out about it because I want them to like it and have a good time so that they will keep coming! So I'm like googling "fun things to do with a study group" and things like that.

I've got some ideas that hopefully will go over well. I also plan to bribe them with cookies haha!

So keep your fingers crossed for me that it goes well.

I have a lot of work to do tomorrow to get ready for it. Gotta make flashcards and some of the games we're going to do.

Plus on top of all of this, I'm applying for a job at the college. It's called a federal work study job.

Basically kind of like an assistant for the teachers.

Sam and I are both applying for it since there are two positions and I hope we both get it.

We're just waiting on recommendation letters from our teacher and then we can turn in the applications.

I mostly want to do the study group coordinator and work study job because they will both look good on my resume after I graduate. My resume kind of sucks right now and it needs work lol. So I want to do anything right now that improves my chances of getting a good job after graduation.

But all this means I'm going to be BUSY.

If I get the job, I'll be super busy.

But I still plan on writing when I can! I'm never going to leave you guys so don't worry.

I've been think about posting more on Instagram again. Like my insta stories like I used to, but I don't know if anyone is interested in my very mundane life! Lol. Let me know if you want me to. I totally get it if you don't want me to, I'm boring as fuck! Haha!

Well I think I've mostly caught you up on my life.

Nothing super exciting but I'm happy.

Like happier than I've been in a super long time.

Which is just the best feeling. I can't express how good it feels to feel like this. Especially after having a bad couple months after my surgery.

I'm sure this wasn't the most entertaining ramble. But I appreciate you reading it all the way through if you've made it this far!

I love you guys so much.

Btw, Sam really embarrassed me today by saying in front of the whole class "she has a story online with 4 million reads! And she has 19,000 followers!"

I hung my head in embarrassment lol.

I don't talk about wattpad in my real life usually. Except with people I'm really close to.

I tell people I write stories all the time, but I don't tell them about my other life on wattpad lol.

But Sam knows I write gay erotica.

She also knows that I have a character named Sam.

I also found out today that she used to be a nanny.....so that was a freaky coincidence.

Anyways, I've rambled long enough!

I will talk to you guys soon. I'm gonna try to reply to all the comments on this, so if you would like to chat with me then leave me a comment! The comments on here are usually a lot easier to manage than on something like Pretty Boy.

Love you guys so much!

I'll hopefully have a chapter up sometime soon!


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