It still hurts, even the second time.

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I grabbed hold of the unconscious girl and bit into her flesh. As my teeth pierced holes through her soft skin, I began drinking the red liquid.

I drank with no remorse. I had no need to. I gulped her blood down until not a drop was left. The sensation of it made me feel as if I was seconds away from going crazy and when all of her blood was gone, a part of me still craved more. I will always crave more, for this is a thirst that's unquenchable. The girl was drained of life, but I, I was the complete opposite.

My wounds had healed and I was trembling with energy. I felt the adrenalin pumping through every inch of my body. My mind felt as if it was being consumed by this intense amount of power. My reason was being drowned by a wicked craze that made me feel close to being psychotic.

"Now that you're better, I believe it's time for us to go." The priest said as he blew smoke out from his newly lit cigarette. His eyes strongly locked onto mine.

"And one more thing, Aidan, refer to me as Boss from now on, unless you'd like to call me 'Father'." He said with a low, crude, chuckle. "My men shall escort you to a car and drive you to where we are heading. Be sure not to cause too much trouble, dear boy. If you try to do anything that goes against me, I won't be so easy on you like today." He said as he turned and walked away.

I had power, but I didn't have enough to defeat him. I knew too well that my only option was to obey him for the time being.

I walked out of the room and followed the two men in front of me. I was escorted out of the lobby and outside to a black car with tinted windows. If anything screamed suspicious and danger, it was this. The scent of Angelica still lingered all around in the cold night air, causing me to worry if she was followed.

"Get in." One of the men said as he opened the door. His tone was harsh and cold. I hesitatingly slid my body in, carefully watching the man. He slammed the car door shut and I could hear the safety locks turn on. I was now locked in my enemy's car and being taken to a place that I had still yet to be told about.

For hours, all I could hear was us driving. From time to time I could hear two men in the front seat mumble something to each other, but that was it. It was dark and the sun had yet to come up. Not knowing anything made me anxious and many times I thought I should try to break out and leave, but I knew I couldn't. The Boss's men showed no signs of being weak, meaning they'd be able to put up more of a fight than me.

Putting my situation aside, I kept wondering if Angelica was okay. I had also left Lila and Sophia without saying a word and wondered how they were doing as well.

In all honesty, Lila and Sophia could easily carry on with their lives, despite me not being there, but Angelica on the other hand, she would hardly be able to last even a week. She had been locked up her whole life. There's no way she could survive in a world as unfamiliar as this on her own. Not only was she weak, she was still a child. There are many bad people in the word who'd take advantage of those factors.

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became. I had told her to run thinking she'd be safe, but what if all I had done was made things worse? She had nowhere to go and I doubt she had any sense of where she was at.

As I fell deeper into thought, I drowned out all sounds until I was sent back to reality by a loud thud on the car hood. The car jolted to a stop, causing me to fly forward. My face was saved from being smashed into the front seat due to the seat belt, but the impact still managed to knock all the air right out of me.

"What the hell was that?!" The driver yelled.

"I'm not sure, I'll get out and check what it was." The man in the passenger's seat responded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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