Special deliverary

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Jen's POV
I'm awakened at 3:30am to someone pounding on my door. I get out of bed to see Brandon in a wetsuit.
"Takara's giving birth!!! Let's go" he says taking off in the other direction. I close my door and get changed into a bathing suit, throw my hair in a messy bun and run as fast as I can to my locker, before I'm even fully in the wetsuit I'm running out the door. I scan the little chip in out wetsuits and the door to the stadium opens. I instantly check the glass to see Takara, Taima, and Malia swimming around. Malia comes over to me and blows bubbles. I tap the glass with my fingers and walk over to the rest of the trainers. Almost all the trainers who work with Takara are here and even some who don't. Joe, Dawn, Brandon, Kayla, James, Mat, John, Holly, Amber, Kylie, Jenny, and Laura are standing around the glass watching and waiting. I walk over to James and he wraps one arm around me and pulls me closer to him. Dr. Dold is sitting in the first row of the bleachers with a few other vet assistants taking notes and breathing rate of Takara.
A half hour into the watching and waiting Takara finally gives birth and it's a baby girl!!!!! We all cheer, clap and hug each other as the calf takes it's first breath with the help of Taima. We keep a carful watch on Takara and baby for the rest of the morning. 6:30 rolls around pretty quickly and Mat, Dawn, Brandon and I are off to prep fish for the day. I get the job of filling the show buckets.
I grab 8 buckets that say Believe on them and fill them with Caplin, Smelts, Herring, and Salmon. Then 2 inches of ice on top which is a law made by the state that all fish buckets must have at least 2 inches of ice on top. I put them in the freezer and start the One a Ocean buckets, then the Miracles, then dine with Shamu, and lastly buckets for the new show we have been working on, Shamu Close up..which does exactly what it says! People get to be close up and personal with "Shamu"! Once we are done I grab Kalina's breakfast and head over to G pool. I walk around the pool and step onto the slide out. I kneel down so the waters up to the middle of my stomach. Kalina comes over with her cute baby eyes.
"Hi princess!!" I say rubbing her nose. I fed her handfuls of fish at a time. Once she was finished I made my way over to the show pool where Takara and her calf where swimming and bonding together. I sit on stage. The bars are on the stage so Takara or the calf can't slide up onto the stage and hurt themselves. I sit on top of the fish freezer watching the new calf, she looks to have a white moon shape on her dorsal. She's one unique baby. We clear out E pool which is the one that's shaded and put Takara and her calf in there, that way they won't interfere with shows and people won't bother them.
I check the board to seem who I'm doing Believe with, I have Kalina for the share the joy segment, I'm doing the splash segment, then the frolic segment for One Ocean, the then the splash segment for that also, then I'm doing Dine with Shamu with Tili and Dawn. And then I'm doing a relationship/training session with Trua.
It's 30 minutes before Believe and the stadium is PACKED already. I soon hear the opening music and James and Katina do the opening segment. I dive in and place my feet on Kalina's nose, she pushes me through the gate, James dives in with Katina and meets me underwater we both then break the surface of the water and wave to the crowd and each other. Once we get back to the stage Kalina lifts me up and I jump off of her, I run and hug James and then grab fish for Kalina. We both then ask our whales to swim in opposite directions as we jump on their back, we walk across them and dive off their noses, from across the pool James nods to me and I nod back, we both come out of the water standing on our whale's nose. We meet in the center of the pool, and hold hands before turning and diving back under. We make it to the slide out and again Kalina pushes me onto the slide out, I grab some fish and toss it in her mouth. We then ask Katina and Kalina to froggie and then stick out their tongues and wiggle them. We dive back in and are pushed to the bottom of the pool, we are shot up vertically, which is called a stand on because well we are standing on the whales. We then go back to stage and give the whales lots of love and attention, just as the music ends we give the whales hugs and send them backstage.
I run backstage and receive Kalina. Rub her back and give her lots of fish. She makes clicks and whistles and then I hand her off to Brandon and wait for the splash segment. When I hear it, 6 trainers and I run on stage. We dive in and swim across the pool, two other trainers dive in and swim with us. I swam up to the slide out and ran to high five guest. I run back down to the front row and start doing the Shamu slam. "COME ON YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!!!!" I yell over the music. Just then Tilikum's tail splashes 55 degree salt water all over us. Taima then does side breaches on each side of the pool. I'm still dancing around laughing at the guests reactions of the cold water. The segment soon ends and I run backstage. I sit at the edge of the pool where Takara and the calf is. The calf is very independent like Takara's other calves. The calf swims over to me, just out of my reach. She vocalizes at me and I smile. Takara comes over with her mouth open, expecting fish. I laugh and then stand up to leave when the calf splashes water at me.
"Hey!" I say scooping up water and splashing it at her. Takara thinks it's a signal and starts splashing me. I laugh and rub her nose. I then get up and go over to G pool to see the crowd for our first ever Shamu close up is gathering. We are using Kayla and Kalina for the show. Me with Kalina, Dawn with Kayla. And then Holly is announcing for us! I double check the places that hold fish have all the fish they need, which they do. I see the gate open and Kalina and Kayla swim in. I grab Kalina's bucket of fish a walk around the pool to where the guests were. I walk over to the wall and Kalina comes over to me.
"Hello everyone! My name's Holly and I'd just like to take a minute to thank you all for coming to our very first Shamu up-close experience!! Now here at SeaWorld Orlando we have 10 whales! But today you will only be meeting 2 of them. Kalina is to my left with her trainer Jennifer, and to my right over here on the slide out is Kayla and her trainer Dawn!" Holly then goes into detail about Kayla and Kalina. Once she is done I walk over to the crowd.
"Can you guys wave to Kalina?" I ask some of the smaller children. The kids and even some adults wave to Kalina. I give her the wave signal and she waves her left pectoral flipper. I blow my whistle. And walk over to her with a fish in my hand, I hold it out to my right and she shakes her head no, I look at the fish confuse and then say "are you sure?" I hold it out again and she shakes her head no. I then grab the bucket and she shakes her head yes. I toss a handful of fish in her mouth. And then send her to do some bows. When she returns and I give her a back rub. I look over to Dawn who nods her head at me. I stand on the pool ledge and dive into the water.
Kalina meets me underwater and I grab hold of her pectoral flippers and we hula in the center of the pool. I tap her chin to bridge her and the grab a hold of her nose. She then dives down the the bottom of the pool and shoots up vertically spinning. When we both have re-entered the water I bridge her and swim over to the pool ledge and grab some fish for her. I then swim under and place my feet on Lina's nose, I come up and do porps around the pool before blowing my whistle and giving her a rub down. The show is soon over and I rush into the locker room, I pull my One Ocean skin over my believe wetsuit and head back out to meet up with Taima who I will be doing Frolic with.

Taima greets me which a high pitch squeal!

"Well it's nice to see you too!" I say and kneel on the ground. Taima comes over and I line her up to the left and rub her back. I hear One Ocean start. Katina is doing the opening jump! I hear the frolic music begin to play and Brian and I send Taima and Kayla through the gates. I greet Taima at the glass outside in the stadium and ask her to wave while I run along side with her. Once we get to the slide out I high five Brian and we the "high five" our whales. I run to grab a tiny fish in the bucket and I hold it out to my right. Both Kayla and Taima shake their heads no, Brian then comes over with two fish and hold them out. Again Kayla and Taima shake there head!

I take out a bucket and tell Brian to put the two fish in the bucket and then I go up to the whales and they shake their head yes. I take a handful and give it to Taima and Brian does the same with Kayla. I give Taima the signal to do a perimeter wave, where she waves her pectoral fin while traveling. I hope down from the slide out and run to the right. I stand right in the middle of the glass panels on the right side of the stadium. I blow my whistle and open the step stool which has two buckets of fish. I push the ice off the top and grab 3 herrings. I close the little flap and step up to Taima and throw the fish in her mouth. I step down and start to spin around, Taima copies me. I blow my whistle and then ask for the fluke splash. She doesn't and gets the crowd behind me soaked. The session is soon over and Taima goes to slide up on stage with Kayla. I run backstage to greet Taima and Kayla in B pool and I send them back to G pool because they are done with the show.

Thank you to everyone who continues to read this story! It means a lot! My New Years resolution is to update every 1-2 months! I try to make my chapter pretty long and honestly I don't get the many people reading the book! But I hope everyone likes this chapter! I've been working on it since the beginning of December! Thanks again for the reads!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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