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it was finally friday the day before steven would head to new york with his best friends to meet a certain spiderman that made him feel... good, really good.

he felt nothing but butterflies and somewhat excitement at the moment for tomorrow, but he didn't know if he was all too happy to actually meet tom.

there where alot of what if's going on in his mind and he was trying not to think about them but failed.

what if the spark between them just wasn't there when they meet.

"oh god steven! your thinking too much..."

he shook his head of any negative thoughts and continued doing what he thought would keep his mind off  of things.

steven was currently packing his bags so he would be ready to leave in the morning, hopefully his friends where doing the same like he'd asked.

now that he thinks about it, he should probably make sure their doing just that, "those two have an attemtion span of literal babies."

he closed his last packed suitcase and set it aside exiting his room and going dowm the hall.

"conner! ang! are you guys done packing?" he questioned as he walked down the hall to the twos rooms that where right across from each other.

he waited for a reply but got silence in return.

he huffed out an annoyed sigh and chose to enter conners room first.


but before he could finish his sentence he'd slid back and feel on his back, groaning in pain.

conner winced at the sound his friend made with the floor and carefully made his way to him.

"sorry, bud."

he helped the boy up, making sure he kept his balance when he did.

steven grabbed the back of his head and rubbed it, clearly annoyed.

"why the hell is there marbles by your  door!" he questioned as he saw all the mini marbles still rolling around.

"well, i dropped them earlier when i was packing but was to lazy to pick ALL of them up so i just picked up that one." conner said lazily as he pointed to the one marble on his desk.

steven was literally already regretting coming in here but heard that conner was packing so that's all he needed to hear before he made his exit.

as he walked out he slipped on one marble that rolled into the hallway almost falling to the floor before conner caught him, lifting him back up.

steven blushed at how clumsy he was and looked to conner giving him a 'thank you' look before he headed to angeleeks room.

he heard conner mumble something but was to embarrassed to hear it.

as he opened angeleeks door he called out for her not paying any attention, "ang-"

but before he could say anything else,
he yelled out in pain as he stepped on multiple hair brushes and pointed shoes, step after step was excruciating pain.

"when is this torture gonna end?" steven thought to himself as he finally fell onto the bed in the room.

after taking one-hundred stabs in the feet. he quickly grabbed his feet and rubbed them harshly, trying to relieve the pain.

the bathroom door was then swung open revealing angeleek who was dying of laughter at the scene she witnessed from the bathroom mirror.

"it's not that funny! literal knives where just stabbing me in my feet!" steven cried out as he stopped rubbing his now red feet, looking at the said knives on the floor and wondering why shoes and brushes hurt so much to step on.

"well, you should've knocked. im busy packing by the way." angeleek said knowingly that steven probably thought she'd be doing something otherwise.

steven gave an annoyed expression by her words, he was glad she was packing, but he literally tortured himself twice for no reason.

"well, sorry for judging you, but can u please move your death trap!" steven said pointing to her shoes and brushes.

"oh my god, your such a baby!" ang said as she slid everything to the side with ease.

steven looked at her shocked and ang let out a small laugh, "gorlz are something else." steven said as he got up and headed for the door.

"goodnight steven" ang and conner said in unison as the boy walked back to his room.

"night." he said as he walked back in his room closing his door.

he walked to his bed and landed face flat, not bothering to get comfortable.

it was going to be a long night...

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