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  Celica wrote, her pen not stopping, she had to think of a plan, and she knew it wouldn't write itself. It was already a little pass one, but she paid no mind to her tiredness.

  "God-" Celica stopped herself from finishing her sentence, and turned on the lamp next to her. She let out a heavy sigh, every time she came close to finishing the plan, she scrapped it.

  A knock distracted her, "Celica?"

  She knew the voice, she returned her attention to writing, "Come in." Celica put her pen down, "What is it, Zelda?"

  Zelda looked at Celica, Celica's red stack of crumpled paper next to her. Zelda took her boots off, then took a seat at the end of Celica's bed.

  "Zelda?" Celica turns toward her, a look of exhaustion in her eyes.

  "You should— take a break!" Zelda's eyes were full of concern. "You've been working a lot and I'm concerned, you're going to make yourself sick."

  Celica looked at Zelda's sky blue eyes, Celica knew she couldn't keep pushing herself like this, but she kept saying she had to, "Zelda, I'll be fine."

  Zelda bit her lip, she couldn't lie, she cared about Celica, reason; she had no idea what the reason could be. Zelda saw the bags under Celica's eyes, if Celica kept this up, she wouldn't be able to even walk the next day. "Celica, which is more important, this?" Zelda picked up the paper, "Or your health?"

  Celica reached for the paper, but recoiled, "What am I doing?" Celica held her head, the group wouldn't care if she finished, she sighed.

  "Take a break," Zelda held out her arms, without much hesitation Celica jumped into Zelda's arms. Zelda felt rose creeping to her cheeks, she smiled.

  Zelda wrapped her arms around Celica, letting warmth consume her. Celica didn't know what it was, but she felt a lot calmer. Celica nuzzled Zelda's neck, she just didn't want to feel alone. Zelda pet Celica's hair, calmness consume them both. Celica felt her eye lids become heavy, sleep consumed her, "Thank you, Zelda."

  Zelda warmly smiled, sleepiness finally taking over, "No... problem, love."

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