Chapter 1

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Autumn was nearing her apartment  building,  when she saw a puppy limping  from underneath,  an old truck. She began walking towards him  but saw he started crying. Autumn halted her actions as she thought he was afraid of her, "of course it will be scared you fool your a stranger " she thought to herself. The puppy fell down flat on its stomach and cried out louder, that's when Autumn realized the puppy's  left back leg was broken, she speed dialed an animal emergency centre and waited on their arrival. "It's okay buddy help is on the way" Autumn whispered to the small dog as she patted his head.

Time skip to emergency help arriving
Autumn had fallen asleep in the waiting room, and was awoken by someone lightly shaking her, opening her eyes to see a woman with long black hair, grey eyes and a name tag on a white coat which says Dr Santos. "Please follow me" Dr Santos says in a Spanish accent, Autumn tiredly got up walked with her. "The surgery was a success " "he just needs alot of rest to heal faster okay?" Dr Santos explained "alright that's good to hear than you Dr" Autumn replied happily smiling   "your welcome " Dr Santos returned the smile back.

Autumn got back home not too long ago, she placed the puppy on a blanket on a chair, and went to start a bath for him.
Time skip to puppy clean up...

Autumn sat on the ground in front the chair where the puppy layed and said "alright Ocho(she noticed he had a collar when she went to bathe him) I'm going to my best to find your rightful owner but until then you get to live with me si?"the puppy gave his tail a little wag, Autumn got up so that he can rest and also for her to get him food and water(ugh I repeated 'and' alot).

Four weeks later - Autumn bought Ocho with her to the park, no not only to have fun but to reunite with his owner. The minute she unleashed him he sped off towards Aliza his owner, she was a short lady with brown curly hair and wore a thick framed glasses.
Autumn gave her and Ocho one last hug before exiting the park " I'll really miss Ocho " she thought to herself.

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