Chapter 3: "Watch your back"

Start from the beginning

I look at Clove and she sticks her tongue at me. I narrow my eyes. 


I walk into the enormous gymnasium for training. There’s only a two other districts in here. Someone pins my number on my back as I take it all in. There’s a ton of weapons and obstacles.

I spot 5 shiny objects across from me on the wall. My eyes are in a trance and my feet are suddenly moving towards the weapons.

5 different sizes of swords glimmer in front of me. I am totally in a trance to even notice my own hand going towards the biggest one. I want one.

It looks so sharp and I can imagine it piercing through someone’s stomach already. Mmm.

My sudden urge to take it off the hook and run away with it, is interrupted by a tall, thin, and muscular arms snatches my hand away. “No touching until the training begins.”

I narrow my eyes in a challenge and one of her eyebrows raises up at me. Guess she’s not afraid of me. Maybe I need to work better on my intimidation skills more.  

“Now, please go join the others who are forming a circle. I’ll be going over the training schedule in a moment.” I growl at her but do what she tells me. Whatever.

I walk over and stand next to the boy from district one. He has brown trimmed hair and brownish eyes. I can’t remember his name. He looks the same age as me and is an inch taller than me, but smaller in muscle size. I smirk at that thought. 

“ Hey. Marvel.” he puts his hand out to shake. 

“Hey. Cato.” I shake it even though I don’t want to.

The blond from yesterday comes up next to me. She’s also from district one. She gives me a flirty smile and I smirk at her.

“Glimmer.” she says while batting her eyelashes at me. Do girls really think that’s hot? 

I cross my arms over my chest to flex my impressive muscles and also to look more intimidating. “Cato.” I say as I give her a wink. She blushes slightly and moves to stand beside me. 

I look around the rest of the circle to see the “competition.” I laugh in my head. Like there’s a competition. God I crack myself up.


There’s a lot of younger kids then usual. Families will be sad. Like I care.


I notice that a certain brunette hasn’t shown up yet and she’s holding us up, but then I see her coming from the elevators with that stupid weak blonde boy.

Speak of the devil. She walks towards the circle.

“About time you showed up two.” I say to here as she passes me. She just rolls her eyes at me.

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