Beginnings Part 1

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In space, a ship was near a planet. "We have taken all that we can from Merlandia. The life forms have fled, and the planet is useless to me." said a voice, leaving orbit and the planet explodes. "Destroy It."

Narrator: In the not-so- distant future... earth has become a safe haven for all alien races, who come from the farthest reaches of the galaxy to live in peace. Ninety nine percent of the newcomers live in harmony, but the one percent who can't; there is Space Patrol Delta. The new breed of police to bring them in. 

Outside a warehouse, an alien carrying a container is shot and knocks down a door. Three teenagers walk inside, looking for the alien. The tall one, Sky Tate, walks in further with his weapon drawn. Bridge Carson looks around for a seconds, then says," You can hide monster... well, actually, you can't really hide." He takes off his glove and waves his hand, showing where the alien went. 

"Perp at 2 o' clock". he said. The girl standing behind him turns to her left. "That's 9 o' clock", Syd." he tells her.

"Got it." said Sydney Drew as she turns direction and grab something out of her belt.

"Fist of Iron." she yells and punches a stack of wooden crates. When the crates samshed together, it revealed the alien's hiding place. The alien jumped out and aimed at Sky. Thinking quickly, Sky moved his arm in a circle, creating a fore field. The alien made contact with Sky's force field and was flung back onto the ground. Once back up, the alien aim its attack at the three teenagers to escape. Once it was cornered and aim its final attack, Sky uses his blaster to knock the alien off its feet for the last time.

Sky takes out a communication device. "Sky Tate reporting in. Mission complete. Please advise." he said into the device. The training session was over and a feline alien walks up to them."Well done, cadets. Your training has progresses nicely." she said, complementing them.

Bridge raises his hand. " Kat, uh... I mean ma'am... I mean Miss Manx. We're all wondering. We know that there are "A" Squad Power Rangers we're "B" Squad cadets. Not that there's wrong with being a "B" Squad cadet, or a "C" squad, or a "D" squad." he said, babbling a bit. Kat looks at the teen confused at what he was saying.

"Let me translate. I speak fluent Bridge. He wants to know when we're getting those colorful designer suits." said Syd.

"Kat, I've told them that it's not about the suits or the weapons. It's about helping people and upholding the tradition of being a power ranger." he said confidently. Kat smiles,knowing how much Sky wanted to be like his dad."That's up to Commander Cruger, not me." deactivating the program.

"Dismissed." she tells them. The three cadets saluted her and left the room. The alien stands behind Kat, looking as if to attack her from behind when she turns around to change it back to its true form. It revealed to be her lab assistant Boom, who is breathing heavily from the training.

"Best cadets ever, Kat." he said, still breathing heavily. She nodded and said, " Agreed. And you Boom, my eager assistant. Job well done." In the commander center, cadets were everywhere, tracking something.

"Go get those charts."

"Yes, sir."

"Right here."

"Coordinates 9-9-3,confirm." A cadet suddenly walks to someone sitting in a chair that was facing the wall.

"Commader Cruger, sir." said the cadet saluting him. "We have a problem in the..." The chair spins around to reveal an alien dog.

"Ninth Quadrant. I am aware. Merlandia has been destroyed. There's not a lot of time and much to be done." he said to the cadet. "He is coming."

In space, a ship of some sort is on a course for another planet. Down a long, creepy, disgusting hallway and in a room, an alien with red eyes turns his chair and says to himself, "Beware earth. Your end has begun."

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