The letters continued to come, and we continued to wait for them as we always had. We also continued to try to keep up the farm. It was a struggle as we had no men or boys to help with the field work or the mending of fences, but we learned and worked and pulled together to make it work.

We lived day to day, week to week for the letters from Jacob, Everett, and Fletcher. Then the letters stopped. Months passed with no word from them, and then one day we received a letter that had the seal of the Wizard and was brought by a guard.. I knew without even opening something was wrong. One of my boys or my Jacob was dead. Unable to take the letter, let alone read it, Sarabeth took it and slowly opened it, and after the guard left we went inside and sat down.

For several long minutes neither of us moves. We sat there staring at the letter. Eventually I opened it, hand trembling as I unfolded the letter."

At this time I open the trunk that is sitting on the bed and take out a faded yellow envelope. I can feel Elphaba's eyes on me. I turn and hand her the envelope. "Open it, and go ahead read it."

"Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly taking it from me when I nod. "O-okay." She says opening it.

"Read it out loud please."

She clears her throat, and in a quiet voice begins to read:

Dear Lady Wellington,

It is with great regret and sympathy that I write to inform you of the death of your sons, Everett and Fletcher Wellington. They died in a gun battle freeing the lives of innocent children who were being taken as slaves to the kingdoms of the far south.

On behave of King Aaron, I would like to convey my deepest words of sympathy to you, and I hope and pray that the Unnamed God will give you strength to bear these great personal losses.

With kind regards.


Col. Dunkin Moore

Elphaba looks up from the letter her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I am so sorry." She says her voice holds a quiver to it. "To lose not one but two children, I don't know what to say."

I give her a sad smile. "If only I had just lost my sons, but I lost Sarabeth then as well. She never was the same after that.

Sarabeth spent her days staring silently at  a picture of her brothers in their room. She never talked and barely ate. I grew more worried and no matter what I tried nothing helped her.

Then one day we were surprised to see a wagon pull up in front of the house. I went out to see who it was, and when I got closer I noticed a gentleman helping someone out who had a leg bandaged and an arm as well. It took me a moment to recognize who it was. It was Jacob. My Jacob had come home. He was broken but home.

Sarabeth came out a moment later and saw her father. She ran to him and cried. It was the first sign of emotion she had shine since the day we received that horrible letter.

My daughter got a little better with Jacob being home, but she still kept herself distanced from us. We hoped she would continue to get better, but sadly she didn't. On what would have been her and Fletcher's sixteenth birthday she went out for a walk in the woods. She didn't return.

Jacob went out looking for her and found her crumpled body on the banks of the river at the bottom of the waterfall. She had often climbed up there, and from what guessed she either slipped and fell or jumped. We never knew. All we knew was that all three of our children were dead."

Elphaba gasps her hand flying to cover her mouth. "I'm so sorry!" She says and a tear burns down her cheek that she quickly brushes away.

"It's okay, child. The sting of my children's passing has lessened some." I give her a small sad smile. "Jacob and I decided we couldn't stay in the country that took our children from us, and we packed our meager possessions and crossed the desert."

"What a minute, you aren't from Oz?" Elphaba sounds shocked and surprised, I shake my head as I answer. "No, I came here from the Land of Ev."

"I never would have guessed that. You do sound like you are native to Oz."

I chuckle. "I have lived here for many years and have worked for the Upland's since we arrived here. I am fortunate that I have always been able to cook and Jacob has always been a good farmer. We were both employed to work the Master and Lady Upland."

Her eyes widen. "Jake is your husband isn't he?" He asks excitedly.

"Yes, he is." I outright laugh at the look on her face.

She shakes her head, and brings things back to the main reason I called her there.  "I still am not sure what this has to do with my wedding."

"Well, Elphaba, it's like this, I had always hoped Sarabeth would wear my wedding gown, but as you know she never did." I smile and take the gown out of the trunk. "You have felt like family to me since you arrived, and I would love you to wear my gown."

(Elphaba's POV)

All I can do for a few moments is to stare shocked by not only all that Cook and Jake have been through, but to then be asked to wear her wedding gown. This is not at all what I expected. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely! Elphaba, I have no daughter of my own anymore, and as I said you are like a daughter to me." She smiles lovingly at me.

I don't know what to do or say so I just go over to and hug her. After a moment I pull out of the hug and give her a warm smile. "I… I would be honored to wear your gown."

"Thank you, dear." She say gently patting my cheek, and I giggle a little. "Now it needs some work in order to fit you correctly, and a bit of upgrading to make it less out of date, but in the end it will be perfect for you."

"You really don't have to do all that." I say stroking the delicate fabric of the gown.

"I know, but I want to do this for you." She says giving me a motherly smile. "Now let's get to work. I need to get measurements and the gown pinned I'm various spots. Get out of your dress and slip on the gown, and we will get to work."

I do as I'm told, and we spend the remainder of the day working on the gown. I know today I won't get to learning to ride a horse, but that's okay because, much to my surprise, I am actually really enjoying myself, and I can't wait to see what Cook does with the gown. I have a feeling it is going to be amazing!

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