An Anonymous Letter

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(Mystery Person POV)

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(Mystery Person POV)

I am in my office having a discussion with a two very important people when there is a knock at the door. I sigh irritated having told the servants not to interpret unless it was important. "Enter!" I yell and glare at the servant who come in quickly. "You had better have a good reason to interrupt my meeting!" I growl glaring at the servant.

"Yes, Sir! I know you didn't want to be disturbed, but this letter just arrived." The servant slowly comes closer. "AHHHH!" I yell standing quickly slamming my fist down onto my desk. "YOU DISTURBED ME OVER A LETTER!?"

"Please Sir!" The servant says quickly. "I believed you would be interested in it as the address says it is from Gillikin." A letter from Gillikin? I snatch it from the servant. "Be gone before I have you beat." The servant gives a quick bow. "Yes Sir!" Then he flees from the room, and I open the note. I skim it's contents. "Interesting."

"Read it out loud." The lady says, and I look up. "Very well." I say giving her a slight nod.

Dear Sir and Madame,

I apologise for the delay in writing you, but as you know I must be cautious so I do not draw attention to myself, but I have finally had a moment to send an update.

I believe it would interest you to know that E. is not as stable as her Goodness would make one believe. This can be confirmed by the hallucinations that being on fits of violence that myself and other staff have witnessed. E. Even attacked Lady Upland. and her Goodness. just the other day! Nevertheless, L.G. still seems to want to be with E.T., and this has caused M.U. and L.U. to accept E., so that her Goodness. will remain happy and not try and further hurt herself. It is my belief that we can use this to our advantage. Let me explain in a little more detail. We can use E. violent hallucinations to poise her as a dangerous threat to everyone, but I still advice to hold off the final phase of our mission at this time.

Several other staff members along with myself have noticed that with each passing day the E. and her Goodness draw closer, and they have even spent several nights together as well. I feel we can argue that E. has placed a spell upon her Goodness. You will also agree that we can say she has used a similar spell on Master Upland as well as Lady Upland seeing as the E. was so quickly able to convince them both to change their minds about her. They even ventured taking her out in public. Not once, but twice! Albeit, they disguised her so nobody would recognize her, but the second time they went out could have caused people to be suspicious. I will tell you more of that at another time.

I suggest we hold off our plans than we can build a more solid believable case against E. that will surely allow us to get what we all desire in the end. I must close this letter now, and return to work lest others grow suspicious, and come looking for me. Again, I ask you delay moving forward with our plans and allow me more time to build a more believable case.

Sincerely yours,


I set the letter down and the lady picks it up rereading it quickly. "Well, what is the plan?"

"We go along with her plan, and see what comes of this new development." She laughs a little. "This may work out better than we planned."

"It will be great to have her get what she deserves. It has been too long." The man who has been silent this entire time says quietly with a low growl. "Yes it has, my dear. Yes it has." The lady replies patting the man's arm, and I nod in agreement. "Well, we must be off." The lady says standing quickly. Her companion and I stand as well. "I give them both a bow. "Until next time." With that they leave.

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