Let the Planning Begin

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(Highmuster's POV)

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(Highmuster's POV)

Today Glinda and Lerena are heading off to get Glinda a wedding gown custom tailored to her, and though they begged Elphaba to join them she flatly refuses! It has even gotten to the point where Elphaba has come to my study just to try and get some peace, and it works for a little bit until suddenly the door burst open and in walks Glinda. I hear Elphaba sighs and see her jaw set as she moves her chess piece taking one of my pieces.

“Elphie, you simply must come with us!” Glinda whines as she approaches where we are sitting. “You need a gown and it would be so splendiferous is you helped pick was h others gowns out.”

“I have already told you, I am not going!” Elphaba about snarls at her, and Glinda begins to pout. “Besides, it’s bad luck for the significant other to see their future spouse in their gown before the wedding.”

“Hogwash! You don't believe that! You aren't superstitious!” Glinda says crossing her arms and looking triumphant.

Elphaba snorts rolling her eyes. “That doesn't mean I want to risk something bad happening. Just because I don't believe in all that poppycock doesn't mean there may not be some truth to it, and the last thing I want to do is risk it actually being true.” She still doesn't look at Glinda instead she watches my move like a hawk, before studying her own pieces.

“Popsicle!” Glinda says turning to me and giving me puppy eyes. “Tell Elphaba she has to come with Momsie and I!”

“Oh no! I'm not getting into the middle of this!” I say raising my hands up a little to show I want no part of this. “Elphaba is a grown woman and more than capable to make her own decisions.”

“But Popsicle! She needs a gown!” She whines again and really begins to pout and give me puppy eyes even more.

“Glinda, leave your father alone. It isn't his place to tell me if I should get a gown or not, and I already told you I'm not. You need to accept that and just deal with the fact I don't want some fancy gown to wear.” I hear Elphaba say, and look over to see her giving Glinda an annoyed look.

Glinda glares at her and then huffs stamping her foot. “Fine, but don't expect me to hold back on my gown just because you don't want to look nice!”

“I would worry if you did hold back.” Elphaba says smirking as Glinda goes red with rage.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Glinda practically yells, and Elphaba shrugs nonchalantly, “Nothing.” She smiles at the fuiming Glinda. Glinda tosses her hair, giving a sniff if disdain, and storms from the room. Elphaba quietly cackles.

“Well, I think you have thoroughly irritated Glinda.” I state smiling at her. She shrugs again. “Why don't you want to go with them exactly?”

She looks at me and quirks a brow. “I would have thought that would be obvious.”

“Not entirely.” I admit a little shrugging.

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