Music brought us together.

365 21 3

Callie's P.o.v

I wake up in my bed with a throbbing head ache. I sit up and look to my right to see aspirin and A big glass of water. And a note.

Dear Maia,

Last night was probably a bad night for you and I know the things you said you probably didn't mean. Hope you feel better. Call me when you wake up.


Crap! What did I say to him?! Then I hear a pounding knock on my door. I hurry up and take the aspirin hoping it will take this head ache way. And after a fee seconds it does. Then the knock at my door continues. "Come on Maia let me in,"I hear a male voice say. It kinda sounded like Rami's I hurry up Pass Sadie to the bathroom. I grab my robe and start to walk to the door. Then I open it Just when Rami was about to knock again. "Hey,"He said. "Hey",I said he was just about to give me a hug when I brush pass him. "Okay what's wrong now?,"He says. "What's wrong? You! And how you left me all alone waiting for you to freaking show yesterday!,"I yelled. "Oh so it was perfectly fine when Maia ran away drunk with Prince Charming too huh?,"He asked. "He has nothing to do with it! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been drinking my eye balls out!,"I yelled. "So I'm just all bad,"He said. "Yeah pretty much,"I said. "Then why are you still my girlfriend?,"He yelled. "Why am I?,"I yelled. "Fine,"He said as he walked to the door. "Great!",I said as I slammed the door in his face. 3 good years wasted! Down the drain. I just sat down and cried. I can't BELIVE I ever wasted a second of my time on him. Then he wanted to blame DAVID for this he has NOTHING to do with this. I heard another knock on my door. "FUCK OFF RAMI,"I yelled through my sobs. "I'm not Rami,"I heard a voice say through the door. Then I heard a click and the door opened. I heard things being placed on my barstool. Then soft arms being wrapped around me. I knew these arms from anywhere these were David's. I cried harder. "Shh! It's okay. I have icecream and all your favorite CDs,"He said. I looked up. "Really?,"I asked. He laughed really. He helped me off the ground. I slowly walked to go sit on the couch. Sadie came and sat next to me. David popped in my Favorite music. "Seven Nation Army" By The White Stripes. He then gets two spoons. He took the icecream cartons out the shopping bags. Then he sat down next to me. "Circus animal for you Rocky Rode me. ," he said as he handed me the carton of ice cream. I took the spoon and started to eat. "You know I given Rami everything and he has the balls to come here and fuss with me,"I said. "What were you guys fussing about?,"David asked. I put my feet on his lap. "Umm... stupid things,"I said. "Maia what are you hiding?,david asked. I smiled. "Nothing gets pass you,"I said. He laughed. "We were kinda maybe sort of fighting about you,"I said in a low tone of voice. David put down his icecream carton. "That's crazy,"He said. "I know Rami just likes making excuses you have nothing to do with it. But since your hands are free do you to give me a foot massage?,"I asked. He smiled. "Okay, but you owe me,"He said as he started rubbing my feet. Then I started thinking about what David said in his note. "David?,"I asked. "Yeah?,"He relpyed. "What things did I say to you last night?,"I asked. He smiled looking very uncomfortable. "Maia it's not important,"He said. "David I want to know,"I said. "Maia no, If I tell it was just make things worse,"David said as he keep rubbing my feet. "David please,"I said. He looked down. "You want to know?,"He asked. I nodded. "You said that you loved me and not as friends. You said that you wished I fought for you last year instead of letting you date a shit rag,"David said. My face harded. My mom always told me that when you drink the truth always comes out.

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