Dance, kiss, explain

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Hope POV

2 weeks later

I shouldn't have shouted at Josie I know that now it's just all the things she was saying in her head hurt me. I lay on my bed when there's a very angry and loud knock on my door. I pick my head up 
"Come in" I Say and the door bursts open. I see Landon standing there and I look at him in shock.
"Landon What's-"
"Did you cheat on me?!"
"What are you talking about we aren't together" he puts his hands through his hair.
"Not now before when we were still together?"
"Um" I freeze knowing that I can't lie to him anymore.
"I fell in love Landon" he freezes and looks at me the angry fading away from his face. I let a teardrop fall down my face and he sits on my bed. I sit up and cross my legs together.
"You fell in love?"
"Yeah but I fucked it up"
"I'm sure you haven't"
"No Landon I have she will never talk to me again" he looks at me with a confused expression on his face.
"Wait it was a girl?" I nod my head slowly and play with my hands.
"I'm sorry I came in here all rude"
"You have a right to be rude to Me"
"Well...." he looks around my room and his eyes fall on my dress.
"Are you competing in the dance competition?" I nod my head and he smiles.
"Is She your dance partner?"
"Than hope tell her you love her and you mean it, and apologize to her"
"She doesn't love me"
"Cut the crap Hope anyone will love you and I know she has strong feelings for you and that she loves you"
"You think so?"
"Yes now no matter what she said just be there and let her explain, no shouting, no complaining just talk....and we'll dance" I laugh and put my hand on my face. I pull him in and hug him squeezing him and he laughs. When we pull away he smiles at me.
"So you're gay?"
"Yeah I think so"
"I'm so happy for your hope" I hug him again and smile.

Josie POV

Lizzie is still going on about hope but to be fair she hasn't asked me any questions for the past two weeks.
"Sis look I know you like hope"
"I do like her"
"Do you love her?"
"I don't know" I say starting at my sister. We are in my room and my make-up is a mess from all the crying.
"So you two are mated?"
"Yeah I think so"
"Wow" I look down and Lizzie squeezes my shoulder
"You know I find everything Hope does amazing, I know she is broken and has been hurt maybe that's why I fell for her...she is perfect to me even with her broken heart...I want to make her feel loved...I know I can get mad at her and want to run away and cry in a corner...I can't stay mad at her for long...I don't think this is just because we are mated together....I've always loved Hope from the beginning I don't need a mate mark to show that I want you to be mine...." I say taking a big breath in and out. I look at Lizzie and her mouth is open
"Agh Josie you just said you always loved Hope" I think about it for a moment and stand up quickly
"Holy shit!" Lizzie gets up and I smile so big.
"I love her"
"Well don't tell this to me tell it to Hope!" I jump in joy.
"Wait I got a better idea" I turn around and look at my dance competitions dress and grin.

I walk arm in arm with my sister down to the dance center.
"Still remember the plan though?"
"Yes fail and then you win"
"Aww come on you know I love you"
"Yeah I know, I love you too" she smiles at me. The area is covered with people who are looking fancy and beautiful. I look and see a food stand and then the judge's table. Lizzie squeezes my arm and I look at her.
"There's my date see you later" she runs off into the arms of Rafael.
"JOSIE!" I hear someone say and I turn around to see MG at the DJ stand. I laugh and walk up to him.
"Really DJ the dance competition?"
"Yeah, they are paying me so who cares!" I laugh at him and he laughs too putting on his headphones on his one ear.
"MG have you seen hope anywhere?" He shakes his head and looks at me.
"Hey, you and Hope what's the deal between you two?" I sigh and play with my dress.
"Well, we are dating...I think" he frowns at me
"Trouble in paradise?"
"Well I know hopes a good chic and you have such a good heart Josie, so I believe you guys will work things out"
"I'm trying to do that tonight"
"Well good luck with that, seriously" he smiles at me and I smile back walking away to wait at the edge of the dance floor. Everyone has their dance partners with them and I frown, what if she doesn't show?
"Welcome everyone!" I look up and see my dad with a microphone and in a nice suit. I grin he looks good.
"Well let's introduce our dancers for tonight" everyone claps and I look around again. No hope.
Names start being called out and it's getting closer to hopes and I's. I'm getting worried, more and more names are called. I knew she wouldn't show.
"And finally Josie...And Hope" I breathe in and out and walk up. My dad sees me without my partner and smiles warmly at me. Everyone takes their places on the dance floor and I stay on the side looking down at my shoes embarrassed.
"Care to dance with me?" I look up and see hope there in a beautiful red dress her hair in a neat bun. She puts her hand out and bows at me. I smile and bow taking her hand. She leads me into the dance floor and I look over at my sister she gives me a thumbs up and I laugh. The music starts playing and I follow Hope's lead just like always we go smoothly together.
"I'm sorry I'm late, Landon was with me" my heart sinks.
"Don't worry he was making sure I looked perfect for tonight.." I look up into her eyes.
"Nothing more" she says and I ease into dancing with her.
"It's okay" I Say and we dance. Some people start getting eliminated But Lizzie and Rafael are still going strong.
"Wait before you say anything, I'm so sorry I was so fucking stupid-"
"No hope I'm sorry we should have talked it out not just shouted"
"I was just hurt-"
"I never meant to hurt you know that"
"I know"
"It's just everything went way too fast" she nods biting down on her bottom lip.
"Maybe it's just that we having been mated with a mark and every little thing triggers us" I laugh and she does too.
"Maybe so...I don't want to fight with you hope"
"Neither do I"
"You know I never said those things?"
"Than who did?"
"I have no clue but I'd never ever just use are too special to me" she smiles at me. I can see the tears stinging her eyes.
"No don't cry" I hold her face as she holds my waist. We still sway in time with the song.
"Hope..." we lock eyes. It's like the whole world just slowed down. I can hear her heartbeat and I'm sure she can hear mine too.
"I love you" her eyes don't leave mine.
"I've always loved you, I mean it so much"
"You love me?" I nod my head
"I love you so god damn much it's killing me" she smiles.
"I love you too Josie" I smile bigger than before. We start leaning in but she stops her eyes now on my lips.
"There are people here"
"Didn't you want people to know?"
"I do want people to know, I don't care if 50 thousand people are watching us. I want them to know that you are mine, and I'm yours"
"Well then I don't care either" she puts her beautiful soft perfect lips on mine. I save every taste every small movement our lips make. Small shivers go through my whole body, this has never happened before it's like our body can finally relax. Can finally love one another. It was not heated, not sexual, it was just filled with so much love and I never want to pull away. If this is heaven then I'm never leaving. We finally pull away as our foreheads press together. We are both out of breath as we stare into each other's eyes we both hold each other. Why does it feel like eyes are on us? I turn my head to the right to see the whole school looking at us both their mouths on the floor. We stopped dancing and so did everyone else. Hope breaks apart from me and breaths in and out looking at all the dancers.
"Does that mean we are all eliminated?" I can't help but laugh. Hope and I burst out in laughter as I see my sister rolling her eyes at hope. Hope looks back at me and smirks.
"Is it just me or was that kiss-"
"like sparks" she laughs.
"Yeah" I grab her face pulling her in for another kiss.
"HOPE MIKAELSON THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" We both jump and break apart. Hope looks at me.
"I think this is where I run for my life?"
"Yep" I Say and we both look at my dad. He walks over to us looking like he is going to murder Hope. I can see hope stepping backward. I can't help but laugh as the toughest girl in school is scared of my dad.

Mated to a witch (hosie) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن