Chapter 10 - Going Home

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Harry awoke the next morning, still very tired from the celebration the night before. It had been decades since Ravenclaw had won the house cup! He smiled as he got up and showered quickly. He still had to pack. He decided that he wanted to ride the Hogwarts Express with his friends, so Aunt Minnie would meet him at Platform Nine and Three Quarters.


Hermione was sitting with Padma at the Ravenclaw table, working on a half-finished omelet when she heard someone running toward her and turned, seeing her best friend practically jump onto the table.

"Good morning, Hermione, Padma," he said as he grabbed a plate and started piling food on it.

"Let me guess, Harry," the bushy-haired girl commented, "You waited until just now to pack your things."

"Well, I was in the hospital wing until last night, you know."

"I know, Harry, but you could've last night."

"Give the guy a break, Hermione," said Padma.

Hermione sighed. "Fine. You do have all your stuff packed now, don't you?"

"Yes, Mommy. I also sent Hedwig to McGonagall Manor. I don't think she'd like to be locked up in her cage all day." Harry grinned at her.

"Harry, I'm serious."

She then whispered, "You've got your broom where no one will find it, right?"


"Good. I wouldn't want you grounded while my family's visiting you."

He chuckled. "They wouldn't do that. Maybe I'd be grounded for the rest of the summer once you leave."

"I suppose."

They continued to eat in silence, mainly because Harry was in a hurry to finish his breakfast before the food disappeared. Before they knew it, it was time to board the Hogwarts Express.


The whole study group, which consisted of Harry, Hermione, Padma, Anthony, Neville, Hannah, and Susan, decided to sit together on the train. They found an empty compartment and settled into it.

"Harry," asked Neville, "My Gran wrote that your lawyers want to talk to me about Professor Snape this week."

Harry grinned. "They should've contacted every non-Slytherin this week to set up an appointment." The others nodded with matching grins. "The Slytherins will be contacted next week. Just tell them the truth."

"The truth about what?" asked Penny, who was walking by while doing her prefect duties.

"Snape," said Harry. "Did my lawyers contact your family?"

"Yes. I've told Professor Flitwick that if Snape is sacked I'll want to take Potions, provided I did well enough on my O.W.L."

"I'm sure you did, Penny," said Hermione. "I'll bet it was a lot easier to brew a potion without that creep breathing down your neck."

She gave a pretty smile. "Yeah, it certainly was. I've got to finish my rounds. Oliver's waiting for me so we can sit together. In case I don't see you all again, have a good summer."

"You, too," the group answered.

No sooner had the prefect disappeared than the self-appointed prince of Slytherin made an appearance, flanked by his two idiotic bodyguards.

"Well, if it isn't McGonagall and his crew of mudbloods and squibs."

"Well, if it isn't the Three Stooges," answered Harry with a grin. A few of his friends, including Hermione, chuckled while the rest didn't react.

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