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I still think I broke Derek's heart. That it was my fault that he hurt himself. That is one of my sins.

But my biggest sin was that I used someone. There was this guy, let's say Aaron. He had a crush on me in the ninth grade. I wasn't really interested in anyone.(crushing on fictional characters and Wattpad characters) As stupid as that sounds, I wasn't completely over Shawn. Aaron proposed to me one day. We were friends before that. I told him that even I do accept, you'll be my rebound. He agreed. We dated for two more than before I grew bored and just wanted to be left alone. I broke up with him. But he wouldn't leave me alone. So Peter stepped in. That was the end of it. I regret accepting his proposal because I did hurt him.

Third sin which I don't really regret, calling Rachel a bitch.

My studies had dropped considerably at that time. But now, it's all over. I'm done with everything. Sally and I are still strong. She considers me her best friend. I might consider her my best friend. Roy me and Peter are in contact. Peter and I meet up occasionally or when we can't we always call or text. Almost everyday.

Relationships are not for me. I am happy alone. The only person who can actually handle me is Peter, so unless I find a guy like him, I am not getting into another relationship. The last person I had a relationship, we ended it last night. But on a good note. I explained my situation, without giving away too much details. I have lots of friends now. None from school. I consider them idiots. While Peter thinks they're way out of my league to even become my friends XD. I know I have an amazing best friend.

My online friends proved to be so amazing. Their friendship is so much more positive and feels much more real than my twelve years of friendship with Shirley and Rachel.

Present me.

At school,

Cold hearted bitch who only talks to others when she needs them. (Exception is Sally) Also a socially awkward potato.

Outside school and online

Friendly, loud, talkative, crazy and weird.

Now, remember, I'm always here to help everyone. Because I know you are dealing with something. Everyone is. I might not relate to you. But I'm definitely there to help. You can just hit me up and rant to me. I don't judge. I never did, never will.

Also, now I feel a lot better. After writing and sharing all of this, I feel lighter. Like, a weight has left my shoulders.


Harry Potter reference anyone? No? Just me? Oh well, okay. Anyways, I am done now. So adios!!!


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